Propeller equivalent of BS2 DEBUG command
Posts: 15
I am a mechanical engineer with general EE knowledge that has been using the BS2 for a while.· I've recently switched to the Propeller.· I am trying to replicate some of the basic functionality of the BS2 on the Propeller (namely in this case A/D conversion).· To facilitate troubleshooting, I would like to be able to monitor numerical variable values on my PC screen in real time.· On the BS2, the DEBUG command supports this task.· What is the equivalent·for the Propeller?· If I need to route it through a HyperTerminal or HyperTerminal equivalent, please include recommendations for physical connection and software support.· Thanks!
On the Propeller side, you can use any serial I/O driver like FullDuplexSerial or the simple serial driver that's part of the BS2 compatibility library. If you haven't do so, download that from the Propeller Object Exchange and have a look at it. It provides much of the functionality of the fancier BS2 Basic statements with subroutine calls. This includes subroutines that implement much of the DEBUG statement.
Please download the BS2 Function Library from the Propeller Object Exchange. It includes examples of its use and there are detailed comments in the source program. The DEBUG functions use the programming port. On the USB PropStick, that's the built-in USB port.