What happened: BASIC stamp editor has encountered a problem and needs to close.
I think I messed up.· While attaching components to my board I ,inadvertantly, bumped battery into 'on' position.· I had the serial port disconnected from the PC at the time.· Now, after completing new attachments and reconnecting serial port, I cannot bring BASIC Stamp into operation.· Instead I get an error report stating that the BS editor has encountered a problem and won't open.· Can I bring it back to life, or do I need to get a new one?· Shoot!
My circuitry: Basic Stamp homework board with Embedded Basic stamp 2, powered by 9v battery. It has a serial port connector, a header for connecting i/o pins to embedded breadboard, with volt regulator and some EEPROM.

My circuitry: Basic Stamp homework board with Embedded Basic stamp 2, powered by 9v battery. It has a serial port connector, a header for connecting i/o pins to embedded breadboard, with volt regulator and some EEPROM.
If your HomeWork Board were damaged, you would be able to start the Stamp Editor just fine. When you try to download or identify the Stamp chip, the Editor would complain that the Stamp isn't responding. The same thing happens when the HomeWork board power is off.
By the way, I used a monostable (one shot) MV to improve on the pulses from the Harley's ignition instead of a Schmitt trigger. I used a 555 timer to make the one-shot. I applied the one-shot output to the BS2 for counting the pulses per second. It seems to be quite accurate: the counted PPS gave a result that was pretty close to the engine RPM, as compared to the Harley's tach. The one-shot reduced the pulse rate to one pulse per engine revolution, for counting purposes only. (the ignition fires more than once per rpm) This ckt has little or no effect on the engine or the ignition.
Thanks for the help,