bs2p40 HEATS UP
I have a simple circuit design that works pretty good, But sometimes when I plug it in The Stamp immediately starts to HEAT up. I have to shut it down quickly and restart it. Does anybody have any Ideas ? I have plenty of designs with the 24 pin stamp but this is my first with the 40 PIN.
There really isn’t any information with which to formulate even a guess. What code are you running? What is connected to the I/O and how? Are you drawing power from the BS2p40 on-board regulator and if so, how much?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
' {$STAMP BS2p}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
DIRS =%000000000000000
DIRS =%000000000000000
goto main:
thank you,
While the 100K resistors are not necessary, they wouldn’t cause the problem. And though there is no need to keep setting the direction registers that too would not cause this. My guess is it related to the power supply. No details were provided. What voltage is the external supply and to which pin is it being connected?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support