Spin Stamp PID BOE-BOT question

I am having problems with the files from "PID_Following_PEKbot_v0.90". I have converted the frequency to 10,000,000 and _clkmode = xtal1 | pll8x. All the componets (ir's, recievers, servos and beeper are set-up as recomended)
The PID program beeps a single time and sets the both servos moving foward and thats all?
Reading the program, gave me the impression the buzzer will beep each time the the IR's change frequency? So I thought I was having a software problem. (but that doesn't make sense) Could there be more frequency changes required for the spin stamp, besides the first 2 (10,000,000 & pll8x).
Also a question about arrays, is this a legal decleration of an array " PUB main | dist[noparse][[/noparse]2] ". I didn't find anything in the manual to clear this up.
The PID program beeps a single time and sets the both servos moving foward and thats all?
Reading the program, gave me the impression the buzzer will beep each time the the IR's change frequency? So I thought I was having a software problem. (but that doesn't make sense) Could there be more frequency changes required for the spin stamp, besides the first 2 (10,000,000 & pll8x).
Also a question about arrays, is this a legal decleration of an array " PUB main | dist[noparse][[/noparse]2] ". I didn't find anything in the manual to clear this up.