beta tester's needed for robotic's speech engine.
Hi, My name is Glenn Clabough. here on the paralax forums I am known as iamdenteddisk I have recently finished creating a speech engine wich I plan to use for my robotics projects ,I am now seeking beta testors to basicly hammer out any kinks and expose any flaws inside·the software and do·data entry. the engine called naomiAI is simple to use it accepts your questions then prompts you for a response after giveing the response it will attempt to say the response "audibly meaning you can hear it" if it has never said any of the words it will then prompt you to help it pronounce the word then you are given an oppertunity to save the new response's to a list you will name.
what this dose:
1compiles list of Q&A literaly in a "question,answer" format and in a simple PC text file with the extension".dat"
2compiles list of words used in a phonetic format.
else it is someone to chat with who has alot in common such as oppinions.
my intension's with this is to thuroughly debug the speech enging before continueing into the next phases of development wich are the most significant parts the AI function development for automation purposes.
Also to compile the phoneticly formated words wich you introduce to the system. of those words I could do the work of entering but there are 516thousand plus known english words so I think this would be a bit monotanous for one person so I want to open this to the web users to help me compleate.
system requirements:
·I am useing a dell latitude 400mhz laptop to develop on so ,pentium or better,sound blaster compatible,128m ram windowsXP if you meet or exceed this you can run this software. basicly if you can run qb4.5 it will work.
other important info:
programed in Qbasic 4.5 for ease of use and portability to other platforms useing basic "parallax pbasic"
will work with any spoken language ,though it is not a translator it uses phonetic's to pronounce words so if you can say,type a forien language then listen for correct pronunciation it will speak in that language.
there are four files included
1 an executable called naomiAI.exe
2 source for the exe for you to use if you wish
3 a words list .dat
4 a response list .dat
all these must be in a folder on c:\compiler
that is it just start the exe.
also there is a second part of the program wich is unhackable because after the word stop it then reverts to this second part wich dosent allow further teaching and is a basic "chatt bot" untill the word exit is entered and the program has been restarted so it is ready for you to use in your robotics projects soon as it is installed.
what is missing?:
functions or physical response I have not yet implemented physical response aside from audible·so if you find a way to do this please share ,I am currently reserching the "debug" terminal software to make an usefull interface between bs2 and p.c useing QB4.5 so the software will interlace.
What I expect from you?:
use the software make all ".dat"files created, avalible to me by emailing copy's to me once monthly untill a stop mail is recived as I will compare your list to mine and once all known english words are known I will send a stop mail to you. and also email any comments or bug's you may find·else you may rename modify or deleate any parts you wish.
also if you mail me ".dat" files of forien language please say so in english else dont send.
the software package is safe to use ,free of virus but I am not leagaly liable or shall be"held harmless" for any damage caused by you modifying.
only 20 applicants will be accepted as actually·apart of development but
anyone intrested may send request to
basicly the ones who make the best show of support will be offered positions as beta testers
and may expect free upgrades as they are available
once a working port is made I will release·it as freeware donations will still be accepted but I hope to get it hosted as download anywhere BS2 robotics are supported.
Post Edited (iamdenteddisk) : 6/26/2008 7:02:46 AM GMT
what this dose:
1compiles list of Q&A literaly in a "question,answer" format and in a simple PC text file with the extension".dat"
2compiles list of words used in a phonetic format.
else it is someone to chat with who has alot in common such as oppinions.
my intension's with this is to thuroughly debug the speech enging before continueing into the next phases of development wich are the most significant parts the AI function development for automation purposes.
Also to compile the phoneticly formated words wich you introduce to the system. of those words I could do the work of entering but there are 516thousand plus known english words so I think this would be a bit monotanous for one person so I want to open this to the web users to help me compleate.
system requirements:
·I am useing a dell latitude 400mhz laptop to develop on so ,pentium or better,sound blaster compatible,128m ram windowsXP if you meet or exceed this you can run this software. basicly if you can run qb4.5 it will work.
other important info:
programed in Qbasic 4.5 for ease of use and portability to other platforms useing basic "parallax pbasic"
will work with any spoken language ,though it is not a translator it uses phonetic's to pronounce words so if you can say,type a forien language then listen for correct pronunciation it will speak in that language.
there are four files included
1 an executable called naomiAI.exe
2 source for the exe for you to use if you wish
3 a words list .dat
4 a response list .dat
all these must be in a folder on c:\compiler
that is it just start the exe.
also there is a second part of the program wich is unhackable because after the word stop it then reverts to this second part wich dosent allow further teaching and is a basic "chatt bot" untill the word exit is entered and the program has been restarted so it is ready for you to use in your robotics projects soon as it is installed.
what is missing?:
functions or physical response I have not yet implemented physical response aside from audible·so if you find a way to do this please share ,I am currently reserching the "debug" terminal software to make an usefull interface between bs2 and p.c useing QB4.5 so the software will interlace.
What I expect from you?:
use the software make all ".dat"files created, avalible to me by emailing copy's to me once monthly untill a stop mail is recived as I will compare your list to mine and once all known english words are known I will send a stop mail to you. and also email any comments or bug's you may find·else you may rename modify or deleate any parts you wish.
also if you mail me ".dat" files of forien language please say so in english else dont send.
the software package is safe to use ,free of virus but I am not leagaly liable or shall be"held harmless" for any damage caused by you modifying.
only 20 applicants will be accepted as actually·apart of development but
anyone intrested may send request to
basicly the ones who make the best show of support will be offered positions as beta testers
and may expect free upgrades as they are available
once a working port is made I will release·it as freeware donations will still be accepted but I hope to get it hosted as download anywhere BS2 robotics are supported.
Post Edited (iamdenteddisk) : 6/26/2008 7:02:46 AM GMT

Just curious, how/did you overcome the issue of QB4.5 running the CPU clock at 100%
(due to it's being a 16 bit app?) I love QB, but had to abandon it as a result of that problem.
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guy's you can get to where I currently saved my work by loading "mynaomi" at the main prompt-·wich is just the few responses I have added since completion·wich are externaly saved from there chat with the bot a while then save to any name I prefern to save responses by -->topic name<--- I will put this into the prompt on the next upgrade. this will make things a little more organized and realistic.
current known bugs
1st current bug is the 1000 word limit I have not found a way yet to load all 516thousand plus·words into an aray with qb·so I will try to just page the words in sets of 1000 and then use a·blank page to hold·words used in current array page though I could resize aray's useing C++ it would slow down the engine so I think the above idea is probably best.
·2nd bug not remembering new words after restart,fixed
·3rd bug file error on saveing new topics fixed
·jun29-08 update fixed some dependancies I didnt know about and a few changes in user interface.
for now once the words list reaches 1000 the program freezes at wich point I suggest emailing it and then selecting all the words past the first hundred or so and cut them from the page useing notepad then·saveing the smaller wordslist before restarting this will allow you to continue,once I get the multi page upgrade working I will put it up here also so it will be less hassel on you guy's
seeing how windows only defines a topic by 128 bits I think a 1000 response list per topic will be fine so I wont bother with it for now but I also want to say this is intended as freeware so if any of you are programers willing to work in QB and on a group project for the sake of the community and for the final release as payment email me and we will try to get you up to speed on·things I know the robotics comunity will apreciate it as well as the machine life we create.
·new updates :
changed file handeling in 2 parts of the prog to quit the forgetfull restart and freezing up during loads
I am going on a trip for the weekend so I will be back monday night,·if you need help geting started.
·the basic file below just drop it into the first folder overwriteing the old source still not debuged the exe sorry for that but progress is number one priority run the source from QB4.5 it works fine..
also·Im hopeing for some input on what I should put in here for the GUI. for now its mostly text but I also have a windowing and menuing·system that can·go in and if I hear some reason to add·the nifty 3d-engine I finished a few months ago I'll add it to. I realy dont know what reason there is for 3d unless we want to depict robot posture or a max headroom·like face·wouldnt be to difficult. Im wanting to get my hands on one of those parallax cams to, I dont realy know if it will work with my homework board· but I'd love to try .it seems Im haveing more trouble·affording hardware than to write support software for it·.I dont want to drop the ball but unless I can get access to some used parts im gonna have to take a second job to get parts that might slow the development process a little. I'm haveing tons of fun and still thinking about starting a new bot to·use my laptop for main logic and the homework board as a secondary controler&interface for.I just finished bugbot and now have the experiance·I needed to do so with bs2 "and loveing it ".·but I think this will help in developing the naomiAI software just developing it·along side a bot ,that should give some real world input to·help meet the needs of robotics·developers aswell as myself.
Post Edited (iamdenteddisk) : 6/30/2008 12:58:53 AM GMT
--->"the exe dosent work it hasnot been debuged yet so to use run from source with QB4.5<
my current copy has some 10thousand responses in english and plenty of room to grow ,from just chatting with it -it will also accept Q&A list in text file format with ".dat" extension so if you got some good joke books you can feed it that would be cool or even a physics book. the original source I now know didnt work because it was looking for a nonexistant folder for dependancies wich was fixed with the first update so if you had problems it is fixed now .
there is I know 20 copy's now out there but only contact with 1 person wanting to do beta test for me I need the feedback to perfect the software so please do send some ideas flames or whatever ...Glenn!