TV Remote used with Basic Stamp?
Hi Yall. Ive got a Basic Stamp 2 circuit Im playing around with. I want to program a remote to use with it. The remote is a Panasonic Audio System N2QAGB000007. I would like to know what i need to know as far as everything to make this remote work and how to program it with my circuit. Thanks for your help.
- Stephen
We have a book called "IR Remote for the Boe-Bot" which uses a universal remote set to Sony protocol send signals to the BS2 on the Boe-Bot.· (We also sell·the universal remote we use in the book, any remote that can be configured for the Sony protocol will work).· The Boe-Bot uses an infrared receiver to see the signal and the BS2 decodes it.
To use your remote, you would have to examine the communication protocol used by this Panasonic model, then determine if a BS2 can read at that speed. This Wikipedia page has more information and a link to a site with various protocols.
Hope this gives you a place to start!
-Stephanie Lindsay
Parallax Inc.
Get an inexpensive universal remote, set it for the Sony protocol, and go with that.