GPS and Ultrasonic sensors
Hi I'm looking for help with a project I'm building. Can any one point me it the right direction on this, I am building a tracked hull (tank) that I would like to be able to navigate from point·"A" to point "B", "C" or "D" (up to 6 waypoints) and avoid anything·that might get in its way.·I'm using the parallex GPS receiver, ultrasonic sensors and stamp to process the imputs and then would like to output to a GE Fanic PLC to control the·drives (DC Motors via OSMC h-bridges).·This my frist venture into·GPS and any help would help.
- Stephen
I would recommend breaking your problem down into something more specific. I have seen this discussion come up before and there are knowledgeable folks on here that could help with specific questions.
I think the most popular question is how to calculate a new heading based on the target coordinates in relation to the current coordinates. This is the basis of the Robo-Magellan competitions and it would be interesting to see the community come up with some simple GPS navigation code. There is a project posted in our Completed Projects forum for a GPS Boat. There may be some information there or the author may be able to share his findings.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
One more thing: what tank treads are you using? I wanted to use treads for one of my projects, but the only ones I could find were either Parallax's or a $4000 model.