Boe Bot Whisker programming
Hello there,
As a final test for the Basic stamp class i have to make a Boe Bot that registers the amount of collisions on the whiskers and preferably make a note how often it hit something right and left.
I have absolutely no pre-knowledge of the programs used but we use Basic Stamp editor v2.3.9
If anyone could help me with a basic program or just guide me with it i'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
As a final test for the Basic stamp class i have to make a Boe Bot that registers the amount of collisions on the whiskers and preferably make a note how often it hit something right and left.
I have absolutely no pre-knowledge of the programs used but we use Basic Stamp editor v2.3.9
If anyone could help me with a basic program or just guide me with it i'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
If this is a class, you should have some knowledge of the programming needed I would think. If you could explain that further... as educators we hate hate to help students more than is expected for a class.
You need to set up variables and add one to them in each of the routines the register when a whisker hits.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Propeller Workshop - Getting started & Using Video - Power Point and Spin Files