IDE for Propellent
Posts: 333
I will assume the subject of third party editors has been brought more than once or twice, but if any one is looking for an IDE for the Propellent tools then have a look at UEStudio.
Spell Check, Syntax Highlight/Correction, Collapsible Sections and more.
Included here is a screen shot.
Spell Check, Syntax Highlight/Correction, Collapsible Sections and more.
Included here is a screen shot.
Aka: CosmicBob
Has anyone setup Eclipse to edit SPIN files?
SPIN is missed
Try the attached workspace .zip file. It uses the C perspective with a Makefile.
PS: Just curious ... Did you·ever live in Washington state ?
Thanks, I will give it a try this weekend.
I have never been to Washington State, but I lived just south of there in Silicon Valley for 22 years. Grew up in Oklahoma. I am in Texas now.
my opinion is UltraEdit as a texteditor for 49 $ is the right size as IDE.
With UltraEdit it's already possible to launch external applications like commandline tools
The Editor itself has Syntax-Highlighting and a lot of more features
On of the best is a search-overview.
This means you start the search-function and get a window with ALL hits
You can make a fast crossreading of the lines make a klick on the right line
and you are at the right place.
This is an excellent search-comfort !
i'm wondering why this feature is not standard to all Texteditors and Office-suites
jumpin' from hit to hit needs five times more time to find the right hit !
best regards
A bargain for $49, in my mind.