I dont know wich board you are useing,but the bs2 is well suited for such though it is limited as to how much you can actualy get into the small space left in KB eprom·memory but there is how ever a datalogger addition available from parallax wich solves the memory problem it is simply a usb input socket wich will allow boebot to use a usb flash drive I found a 2gig sansdisk flash drive at wallmart for $20·maybe 2gig is enough ,I know it is alot .Im planning to add this to bugbot soon as I'm out of the poor house and can spend it...I got the drive but still no datalogger hopeing soon though.
You can substitute a BS2pe for the standard BS2 on a BoeBot and get about 30K for storing data as well as some extra statement types, more speed, and some scratchpad RAM that doesn't have the write speed or write durability issues of the EEPROM.