Excel data piped into the BS2
I'm exploring a project at work for the BS2, where it controls a large number of individual elements (110+) requiring separate values via multiplexing.· I want to be able to have the operator create a spreadhseet in Excel with that information, then·load it into the BS2 via RS-232.· I'd rather not·give the operator the chance to accidentally mess with the program, but rather load it into the existing program.· I'm really new at Stamps, so bear with me, please. Thanks!
More information about what you’re trying to do might help members offer answers…As it stands my first questions are what are these elements? What are you trying to control based on them? What data is coming from the Excel spreadsheet?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support