DS18B20 and BS2
I have a project that I need to connect four DS18B20 temperature sensors to a BS2. I have found a few examples on how to connect them to a BS2P in a "one-wire" setup, but can't seem to locate any info on how to connect them to a regular BS2 in any configuration. It would be ideal to connect them in series so I have to run less wire to the remote DS18B20 locations, but I have extra I/O's so I could connect them not in series if necessary. Does anyone have any info? (I already have some BS2's and since a BS2P costs $80, I would like to do it without spending the extra $$)
I found the following code on how to connect them to a BS2P40, but don't know how to do the same thing on a BS2:
I found the following code on how to connect them to a BS2P40, but don't know how to do the same thing on a BS2:
' {$STAMP BS2P} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' {$PORT COM1} Temp VAR Word 'Holds the temperature value TH VAR Byte TL VAR Byte Config VAR Byte Reserved1 VAR Byte Reserved2 VAR Byte Reserved3 VAR Byte CRC VAR Byte Point VAR Byte x VAR Word Start: AUXIO OWOUT 8, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]$CC, $44] 'Send Calculate Temperature command CheckForDone: 'Wait until conversion is done PAUSE 25 OWIN 8, 4, [noparse][[/noparse]Temp] 'Here we just keep reading low pulses until IF Temp = 0 THEN CheckForDone 'the DS1820 is done, then it returns high. OWOUT 8, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]$CC, $BE] 'Send Read ScratchPad command OWIN 8, 2, [noparse][[/noparse]Temp.LOWBYTE,Temp.HIGHBYTE,TH,TL,Config] ' Format Data ' S S S S S B6 B5 B4 : B3 B2 B1 B0 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 ' Convert LowByte To Point Temp = Temp & $0FFF DEBUG DEC temp/16,"." x =(Temp << 4) & $00ff x = 10000 */ x DEBUG DEC4 x,CR GOTO start