· Does anyone know how to use the scribbler program?· I need help with getting the IR leds and the sensor to stop the bot from hitting the wall and I can mostly do all of the other commands but the Distance detection is the one that stumps me.
There are two programming methods, the Scribbler·GUI and PBasic. I'll assume you mean PBasic, since that's the most versatile. There are lots of sample programs at http://www.parallax.com/ProductInfo/Robotics/ScribblerRobotInformation/ScribblerRobotDownloads/tabid/458/Default.aspx
Check the 8 kb file under Writing Programs (.pdf) and Sample Code (.zip), which has many small programs·worth studying, including the EYETEST program I'm attaching here, which uses the two IR LEDs and the center IR receiver module as object detectors.·Good luck!
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Check the 8 kb file under Writing Programs (.pdf) and Sample Code (.zip), which has many small programs·worth studying, including the EYETEST program I'm attaching here, which uses the two IR LEDs and the center IR receiver module as object detectors.·Good luck!
·"If you build it, they will come."