Code Question
I was looking at the code that came with the temperature sensor. I was justs curious exactly what this line did, and the purpose of it..
Also what the lines...
What does the DEBUG and SDEC4 and DEC5 mean and also teh GOSUB. Can someoen explain them to me. I am very new at programming. Thank you!
Also what the lines...
GOSUB ComputeTemp GOSUB RetrieveInterval
What does the DEBUG and SDEC4 and DEC5 mean and also teh GOSUB. Can someoen explain them to me. I am very new at programming. Thank you!
Oh, and the "DEBUG" command tells the BS2 to 'print' out this information to the programming PC as "debug" information to the programmer.
"GOSUB" is a keyword that means "go to this subroutine, and remember where you came from, so when in the subroutine you see the "RETURN" keyword, you come back here."
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support