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1-Wire weather problem — Parallax Forums

1-Wire weather problem

Tom PTom P Posts: 97
edited 2008-06-12 16:04 in BASIC Stamp
1-Wire weather problem
I recently purchased a Dallas WS-1 weather instrument (Hobby Boards)and connected it to a BSP24 STAMP microprocessor and am running the OW_weather.BSP program to read the temperature wind speed and direction. When I start the program I can read the temperature but get 0.0 wind speed and direction yields an error.
Any thoughts or help would be appreicated?

[noparse][[/noparse]Subject Added By Moderator]

Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 6/10/2008 8:32:13 PM GMT


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-06-10 18:54
    Post your program (or a link to it) and post a description or schematic of your setup.
  • Tom PTom P Posts: 97
    edited 2008-06-10 19:18
    Listed below is the program I used to monitor the 1-wire weather instrument.

    ' File...... OW_WEATHER.BSP
    ' Purpose... 1-Wire Weather Station Interface
    ' Author.... Jon Williams / Parallax (portions by Tim Bitson)
    ' E-mail.... /
    ' Started... 13 DEC 2001
    ' Updated... 06 JAN 2002

    ' { $STAMP BS2p }

    [noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
    ' This program reads and displays the sensors from a Dallas 1-Wire Weather
    ' Station.
    ' NOTE: The 1-Wire bus requires a very stiff pull-up -- 1 kOhm or less.

    [noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
    ' 15 DEC 2001 - Version 1 working
    ' 06 JAN 2002 - Updated error handling for bad wind vane

    [noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
    OWpin CON 15 ' 1-Wire bus

    [noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
    ' 1-Wire Support
    OW_NoRst CON %0000 ' no Reset
    OW_FERst CON %0001 ' Front-End Reset
    OW_BERst CON %0010 ' Back-End Reset
    OW_BitMode CON %0100
    OW_HighSpd CON %1000

    ReadROM CON $33 ' read ID, serial num, CRC
    MatchROM CON $55 ' look for specific device
    ODMatchROM CON $69 ' overdrive match rom
    SkipROM CON $CC ' skip rom (one device)
    SearchROM CON $F0 ' search

    ' DS1820 control
    CnvrtTemp CON $44 ' do temperature conversion
    RdScratch CON $BE ' read scratchpad

    ' DS2423 control
    ReadMemCntr CON $A5 ' read memory + counter

    ' DS2450 control
    ReadMem CON $AA ' read memory
    WriteMem CON $55 ' write memory
    Convert CON $3C ' do conversion

    NoDevice CON %11 ' no device present
    CommOkay CON 1
    NoComm CON 0

    Celsius CON 0
    Fahrenheit CON 1
    TMode CON Fahrenheit ' temperature display mode
    DegSym CON 176

    MoveTo CON 2 ' DEBUG cursor positioning
    LF CON 10 ' linefeed

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
    devCheck VAR Nib ' device check return ocde
    commStat VAR Bit ' comm status
    sensor VAR Nib ' current sensor to display
    eeAddr VAR Word ' string pointer in EE
    char VAR Byte ' character to print
    idx VAR Nib ' loop counter
    romData VAR Byte(8) ' ROM data to devices

    tempIn VAR Word ' raw temperature
    sign VAR tempIn.BIT11 ' 1 = negative temperature
    tLo VAR tempIn.LOWBYTE
    tHi VAR tempIn.HIGHBYTE
    tSign VAR Bit
    tempC VAR Word ' Celsius
    tempF VAR Word ' Fahrenheit

    cntrA VAR Word ' wind count start
    cntrB VAR tempIn ' wind count end
    rps VAR tempC ' revs per second
    speed VAR tempF ' wind speed

    crc16 VAR tempIn
    verify VAR char
    direction VAR tempC
    dFlag VAR tempF.LOWBYTE

    rjNum VAR Word ' number to right justify
    width VAR Nib ' width of field
    rjSign VAR Bit
    digits VAR Nib

    [noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
    DS1820 DATA $10,$15,$32,$09,$00,$08,$00,$A9 ' temp sensor
    DS2423 DATA $1D,$82,$43,$01,$00,$00,$00,$6F ' wind speed
    DS2450 DATA $20,$AF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$5E ' wind direction

    CommUp DATA "... Up", 0
    CommDn DATA ". Down", 0

    WindDir DATA " N", 0, " NNE", 0, " NE", 0, " ENE", 0
    DATA " E", 0, " ESE", 0, " SE", 0, " SSE", 0
    DATA " S", 0, " SSW", 0, " SW", 0, " WSW", 0
    DATA " W", 0, " WNW", 0, " NW", 0, " NNW", 0

    BadDir DATA "Error", 0

    [noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
    DEBUG CLS ' open DEBUG window
    PAUSE 250

    DEBUG "==================================", CR
    DEBUG " BS2p <--> 1-Wire Weather Station ", CR
    DEBUG "==================================", CR

    INPUT OWpin
    IF (INS.LOWBIT(OWpin) = 0) THEN Bus_Shorted ' possible wiring problem

    HIGH OWpin
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 4, "Charging station..."
    FOR idx = 10 TO 1
    DEBUG MoveTo, 20, 4, DEC idx, " "
    PAUSE 1000
    INPUT OWpin
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 4, REP " "\25

    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 4, "Comm.......... "
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 6, "( ) Temperature... ", CR
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 7, "( ) Wind Speed.... ", CR
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 8, "( ) Direction..... ", CR

    [noparse][[/noparse] Main Code ]
    GOSUB Comm_Status ' check 1-Wire comm
    IF (commStat = CommOkay) THEN Show_Sensors
    PAUSE 2000
    GOTO Initialize ' "reboot" if comm went down

    GOSUB Flag_Sensor ' show sensor in use
    BRANCH sensor, [noparse][[/noparse]Show_Temp, Show_Wind_Speed, Show_Wind_Dir]

    sensor = sensor + 1 // 3 ' select next sensor
    GOTO Main

    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]

    ' *******************************************************
    ' A shorted condition on the 1-Wire bus has been detected
    ' -- we can't charge the station cap in this condition
    ' *******************************************************
    DEBUG CLS, "The 1-Wire bus is shorted.", CR
    DEBUG "Please repair before continuing.", CR

    ' ****************************
    ' Print status of 1-Wire comms
    ' ****************************
    eeAddr = CommUp ' assume bus is up
    commStat = CommOkay
    GOSUB Device_Check ' check bus for devices
    IF (devCheck <> NoDevice) THEN Print_Comm
    eeAddr = CommDn
    commStat = NoComm
    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 6, REP " "\15 ' clear station data if down
    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 7, REP " "\15
    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 8, REP " "\15

    DEBUG MoveTo, 12, 4 ' show comm status
    GOSUB Print_String

    ' ************************************
    ' Check for presence of 1-Wire devices
    ' -- does not search for ROM codes
    ' ************************************
    devCheck = 0
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]SearchROM]
    OWIN OWpin, OW_BitMode, [noparse][[/noparse]devCheck.BIT1,devCheck.BIT0]

    ' **********************
    ' Indicate sensor in use
    ' **********************
    DEBUG MoveTo, 1, 6, " " ' clear previous mark
    DEBUG MoveTo, 1, 7, " "
    DEBUG MoveTo, 1, 8, " "
    DEBUG MoveTo, 1, (6 + sensor), "*" ' mark current sensor

    ' ********************************
    ' Transfer OW serial number to RAM
    ' -- point to SN with eeAddr
    ' ********************************
    FOR idx = 0 TO 7 ' load ROM pattern
    READ (eeAddr + idx), romData(idx)

    ' ********************************
    ' Retrieve and display temperature
    ' ********************************
    eeAddr = DS1820 ' load device serial number
    GOSUB Load_SN

    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst,[noparse][[/noparse]MatchROM, STR romData\8, CnvrtTemp]

    HIGH OWpin ' extra juice during conversion
    PAUSE 750
    INPUT OWpin

    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst,[noparse][[/noparse]MatchROM, STR romData\8, RdScratch]
    OWIN OWpin, OW_BERst,[noparse][[/noparse]tLo, tHi]

    tSign = sign ' save sign bit
    tempIn = tempIn >> 1 ' round to whole degrees
    IF (tSign = 0) THEN NoNeg1
    tempIn = tempIn | $FF00 ' extend sign bits for negs

    tempC = tempIn ' save Celsius value
    tempIn = tempIn */ $01CC ' multiply by 1.8
    IF (tSign = 0) THEN NoNeg2 ' if neg, extend sign bits
    tempIn = tempIn | $FF00

    tempF = tempIn + 32 ' finish C -> F conversion

    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 6 ' move cursor to temp display
    rjNum = tempF ' prep for right justified print
    width = 5 ' five digits wide
    GOSUB RJ_Print
    DEBUG " ", DegSym, "F"
    GOTO Main2

    ' *******************************
    ' Retrieve and display wind speed
    ' -- mph = rps * 2.453
    ' *******************************
    eeAddr = DS2423
    GOSUB Load_SN

    ' get starting count
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]ODMatchROM]
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_HighSpd, [noparse][[/noparse]STR romData\8, ReadMemCntr, $DF, $01]
    OWIN OWpin, (OW_HighSpd | OW_BERst), [noparse][[/noparse]cntrA.LOWBYTE, cntrA.LOWBYTE, cntrA.HIGHBYTE]

    PAUSE 2500 ' = revs for 5 seconds
    GOSUB Comm_Status
    IF (commStat = CommOkay) THEN Get_End_Count
    GOTO Main2 ' abort if comm down

    ' get ending count
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]ODMatchROM]
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_HighSpd, [noparse][[/noparse]STR romData\8, ReadMemCntr, $DF, $01]
    OWIN OWpin, (OW_HighSpd | OW_BERst), [noparse][[/noparse]cntrB.LOWBYTE, cntrB.LOWBYTE, cntrB.HIGHBYTE]

    rps = cntrB - cntrA ' get diffential count
    IF (cntrB >= cntrA) THEN Calc_Speed
    rps = rps + $FFFF ' correct for rollover

    speed = rps */ $04E7 ' rps * 4.906 (tenths @ 5 seconds)
    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 7
    width = 3 ' width of whole portion
    rjNum = speed / 10 ' get whole portion
    GOSUB RJ_Print ' print it
    DEBUG ".", DEC1 speed, " mph " ' then print tenths
    GOTO Main2

    ' ***********************************
    ' Retrieve and display Wind direction
    ' ***********************************
    eeAddr = DS2450
    GOSUB Load_SN
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]MatchROM, STR romData\8, WriteMem, $08, $00]

    FOR idx = 1 TO 4 ' setup four channels
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_NoRst, [noparse][[/noparse]$08] ' 8-bit values
    OWIN OWpin, OW_NoRst, [noparse][[/noparse]crc16.LOWBYTE, crc16.HIGHBYTE, verify]
    OWOUT OWpin, OW_NoRst, [noparse][[/noparse]$01] ' 5.12 volt scale
    OWIN OWpin, OW_NoRst, [noparse][[/noparse]crc16.LOWBYTE, crc16.HIGHBYTE, verify]

    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]MatchROM, STR romData\8, Convert, $0F, $55]
    OWIN OWpin, OW_NoRst, [noparse][[/noparse]crc16.LOWBYTE, crc16.HIGHBYTE]

    HIGH OWpin ' juice during conversion
    PAUSE 10
    INPUT OWpin

    OWOUT OWpin, OW_FERst, [noparse][[/noparse]MatchROM, STR romData\8, ReadMem, $00, $00]
    OWIN OWpin, OW_BERst, [noparse][[/noparse]STR romData\8]

    FOR idx = 0 TO 3 ' convert readings to word
    direction.LOWNIB(idx) = romData(idx * 2 + 1) / 90

    ' convert word to 1 of 16

    dFlag = 99 ' preset for error inidcation
    LOOKDOWN direction, [noparse][[/noparse]$2220,$1220,$1222,$1122,$2122,$2112,$2212,$2211], dFlag
    IF (dFlag < 8) THEN Show_Direction ' found in first table

    LOOKDOWN direction, [noparse][[/noparse]$2221,$0221,$0222,$0022,$2022,$2002,$2202,$2200], dFlag
    dFlag = dFlag + 8 ' adjust for second table

    DEBUG MoveTo, 19, 8
    eeAddr = BadDir
    IF (dFlag < 16) THEN Good_Dir ' found in either table?
    GOTO Dir_To_Screen

    eeAddr = WindDir + (6 * dFlag) ' address of direction string

    GOSUB Print_String
    GOTO Main2

    ' ******************************
    ' Print a right-justified number
    ' ******************************
    rjSign = rjNum.BIT15
    rjNum = ABS(rjNum)
    digits = width
    LOOKDOWN rjNum,<[noparse][[/noparse]0,10,100,1000,65535],digits
    DEBUG REP " "\(width-digits-1), 13 * rjSign + " ", DEC rjNum

    ' ***************************************
    ' Print string at current cursor position
    ' -- point to string with eeAddr
    ' -- string is zero-terminated
    ' ***************************************
    READ eeAddr, char ' get character from EEPROM
    IF (char = 0) THEN Print_String_Done ' if 0, string is done
    DEBUG char ' print it
    eeAddr = eeAddr + 1 ' point to next character
    GOTO Print_String

  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-06-10 20:06
    Tom put a subject line on this post! Have you changed the serial number data to your actual values from the station in the [noparse][[/noparse]EEPROM] section?

    - Stephen
  • Tom PTom P Posts: 97
    edited 2008-06-11 11:40

    How do I read the actual serial number of the weather instrument.

    No data came with the unit. Is there a program to read the serial number, where can I find it?

    Where do I insert the serial number?


  • pwillardpwillard Posts: 321
    edited 2008-06-11 13:23

    did your unit from hobby boards come with a DS9097U or DS9490R?· If so, you can download the OneWire Viewer software from MAXIM;

    With it, you can see the serial numbers used by the devices in the weather instrument.· If you don't have either, you might want to look into getting one from Hobby Boards... or see if there is some·serial number search·code for the STAMP already written.· I seem to recall there was some... but search isn't being friendly at the moment.

    The good part is that you only need to get the 1-wire serials once. (Write them down)

    EDIT:· after a little more searching...

    While I could not quickly find the code from parallax,·I found code at MAXIM using the Parallax example to read 1-wire ID's with a Stamp.


    There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.

    Post Edited (pwillard) : 6/11/2008 2:41:20 PM GMT
  • Tom PTom P Posts: 97
    edited 2008-06-11 17:06
    Thanks for attaching the ROM code reader program for BSp24 STAMP.
    I ran the 1-wire-ID program and I recevied the following 00 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 in the debug window!
    -thus only one code was received not three for the three sensors in the WS-1 wind instrument.

    The code lines below are from the the actual Weather On the Wire program to read the three sensors in the weather instrument. I tried inserting the ROM code that I read from above ID program into the Ow_weather program exerpted below in either the wind speed or wind direction and nothing changes.
    I can only read the temperature and nothing else. Is the ID code read supposed to read all three codes from the DS1820,DS2423 and the DS2450?
    What gives?

    DS1820········· DATA··· $10,$15,$32,$09,$00,$08,$00,$A9········ ' temp sensor
    DS2423········· DATA··· $1D,$82,$43,$01,$00,$00,$00,$6F········ ' wind speed
    DS2450········· DATA··· $20,$AF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$5E········ ' wind direction
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-06-11 17:30
    Tom, please attach the actual .bsp file you are loading into your stamp. You might have made a typo and if you attach the code others can open it in the editor and run it.

    - Stephen
  • Tom PTom P Posts: 97
    edited 2008-06-11 18:34
    The Actual program to animate the Weather instrument is the OW_weathe rprogram shown in the above listing in this thread. It is supposed to·first·display the temp, then wind speed , then wind direction.

    The temp read correctly, the wind spedd reads 0.0 always and the direction reads error

  • terry_bearterry_bear Posts: 84
    edited 2008-06-12 16:04

    For what it's worth; I played with this program some time ago, and modified it for my own use. Basically, I changed the serial numbers to match my unit, and added more comments.

    I don't recall running into any serious problems, but only wanted to use it as an example.

    Go ahead and do a line-by-line comparison to your code, and see where the differences are.

    By the way, is the little jumper in or out? (whichever is appropriate)?


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