interfacing a BS2e with a 4x4 keypad
I have a 4x4 keypad with 8 pins and a carrier board with a BS2e that I finally got to work, but the code is ugly. I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
The keypad pins are 1 = Col4, 2 = Col3, 3 = Col2, 4 = Col1, 5 = Row1, 6 = Row2, 7 = Row3, and 8 = Row4. I am using the BS2e pins Pin1 = Col1 through Pin4 = Col4 as toggling High and Low and testing Pins 5 to 8 (as Rows 1 to 4) as inputs for the High (I added a 330 ohm in line).
Here is my code (I will develop a parser later):
The keypad pins are 1 = Col4, 2 = Col3, 3 = Col2, 4 = Col1, 5 = Row1, 6 = Row2, 7 = Row3, and 8 = Row4. I am using the BS2e pins Pin1 = Col1 through Pin4 = Col4 as toggling High and Low and testing Pins 5 to 8 (as Rows 1 to 4) as inputs for the High (I added a 330 ohm in line).
Here is my code (I will develop a parser later):
' KeyPadTest4.bse ' {$STAMP BS2e} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' values for rdg and key ' button key rdg ' 1 - 9 1 - 9 1-3, 5-7, 9-11 ' 0 0 14 ' A - D 10 - 13 4, 8, 12, 16 ' * 14 13 ' # 15 15 row VAR Byte col VAR Byte rdg VAR Word key VAR Word oldkey VAR Word DEBUG CLS, "testing the keypad", CR, CR, CR, " " DO UNTIL oldkey = 14 oldkey = 20 FOR col = 1 TO 4 rdg = 20 key = 20 LOW 5 LOW 6 LOW 7 LOW 8 HIGH col INPUT 5 IF IN5 THEN rdg = col ELSE INPUT 6 IF IN6 THEN rdg = col + 4 ELSE INPUT 7 IF IN7 THEN rdg = col + 8 ELSE INPUT 8 IF IN8 THEN rdg = col + 12 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF LOW col IF rdg <> 20 THEN LOOKUP rdg, [noparse][[/noparse]0,1,2,3,10,4,5,6,11,7,8,9,12,14,0,15,13], key IF (key <> oldkey) THEN IF (key < 10) THEN DEBUG BKSP, DEC1 key ELSE SELECT key CASE 10 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " A" CASE 11 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " B" CASE 12 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " C" CASE 13 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " D" CASE 14 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " *" CASE 15 DEBUG BKSP, BKSP, " #" ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDIF oldkey = key IF (oldkey = 14) THEN QuitNow NEXT LOOP QuitNow: DEBUG CR, CR, CR, "done", CR END