Boe-Bot to propeller based robot advice
I currently have a boe bot with two stamp boards in serial connection.· I would like to change it over to a propeller based system.· I need to learn propeller programming.· What is the best set of products to buy.· I noticed that one of the propeller board fits the boe bot but not the one in the propeller education kit.·

You could use SparkFun's breakout board for the xBee if you want to use that rather than Selmaware's. Also note that I used the accessory kit to get a PS/2 mouse and keyboard port and the VGA display port. If you don't use those, you can use the I/O pins involved for the compass rather than adding a PCF9554 I/O Expander as I did.
BoeBotBasic has a list of the I/O pins used in the comments at the beginning of the program. You can download the latest version from the Propeller Object Exchange.
Thanks for the info but it is beyond my knowledge level.· The boards you are talking about are for supporting the XBEE transmitter?· What would I use for the main proto board to fit on the boe bot.
but you should be able to replicate it easily. Don't worry about the Xbee stuff
immediately. Carefully add the servo connections to your Protoboard, and
move it to your Boebot frame. Load Mike's BoeBotBasic to it and you
should be able to get movement working over the Propplug.
Then go for things like PING, IR, and Xbee when you have that working.
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with the Protoboard? - Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
Got an SD card? - PropDOS
Need a part? Got spare electronics? - The Electronics Exchange
If you do want to start with the Propeller Education Kit, there is an example application where Andy put one of the PE Kit's breadboards on the Boe-Bot chassis.· If you go to the PE Kit Lab page:
...scroll down to the Applications section and check out the PEKbot downloads,·discussion, and video clip.·
-Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
Look at what I've done here
I have one bare PCB left (the one pictured labeled "Protoboardbot2.jpg") if you want it, It's yours for free. You'll just need a Protoboard and a Prop Plug to program it, along with a Boe Bot Refresher kit for the infra LEDs and detectors and the peizo sounder.
The Proto Board is now available with the USB interface built in, to save you the cost of a Prop Plug, but if you plan on using the Propeller for other projects, I'd suggust getting the Proto Board and Prop Plug separately.
Brian - home of SpinStudio - the modular Development system for the Propeller
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller! PropJoy - Plug in a joystick and play some games!
SD card Adapter - mass storage for the masses Audio/Video adapter add composite video and sound to your Proto Board
BoeBot basic was originally developed for use with a SpinStamp on a BoeBot board. You have to change the "clkMode" and "xtalClock" definitions in "BB_definitions.spin" to "xtal1 | pll8x" and "10_000_000" respectively and recompile. The I/O pin definitions are listed at the beginning of "BoeBotBasic.spin".