Using BS2 With XBee Pro 60mW Chip Antenna
Hi All,
··· I understand this is asking alot, but worth a shot. I m thinking of buying the XBee Pro 60mW Chip Antenna but before I put out the cash I would like to know more about programning for it. The link to the XBee is:·If anyone has used the XBee and has some sample code they could show me I would very appreciative? I have an application where I m using a Master Slave and wish to send and receive infomation between the two BS2 I have.
Thanks In Advance.
··· I understand this is asking alot, but worth a shot. I m thinking of buying the XBee Pro 60mW Chip Antenna but before I put out the cash I would like to know more about programning for it. The link to the XBee is:·If anyone has used the XBee and has some sample code they could show me I would very appreciative? I have an application where I m using a Master Slave and wish to send and receive infomation between the two BS2 I have.
Thanks In Advance.
For anyone interested the board sparkfun recommended is here:
Post Edited (kenwtn) : 6/4/2008 2:07:00 AM GMT
- Stephen
I used his boards as well. Note that the XBees can be used right out of the box, without having to configure them, though configuring is quite easy. You can configure them directly from your Stamp program - his code examples show how.
I am excited about this board (waiting on it to arrive in the post!) as it removes the need for external cords and extra carrier boards, I can just plug the XBee straight into my USB port.
Note that there are Series 1 and Series 2 devices. The Series 1 devices default to Transparent Mode which makes the two devices work as a transparent wireless serial link. The Series 2 devices have different sets of firmware, one for Transparent Mode and one for complex networking called API mode. Read the manual for details.
Post Edited (kenwtn) : 6/4/2008 2:43:25 PM GMT
Write[font=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]. Write parameter values to non-volatile memory so that parameter modifications persist through subsequent resets. Note: Once WR is issued, no additional characters should be sent to the module until after the "OK\r" response is received. The WR command should be used sparingly. The EM250 supports a limited number of write cycles."