+/- 12v serout?
Has anybody had luck converting the 0-5 volt serial output to +/- 12 volts?·
I was hoping that the hardware that I was programming my Stamp for would accept the 0-5v output but it doesn't.· Looks like I'm going to have to build a circuit to convert the output.· But I figured I get some input from the forum before I proceed.
I was hoping that the hardware that I was programming my Stamp for would accept the 0-5v output but it doesn't.· Looks like I'm going to have to build a circuit to convert the output.· But I figured I get some input from the forum before I proceed.
You can mount the result off your board, or to the side of your cabinet.
This has the MAX232 chip and capacitors needed to change TTL 0..5 to +10..-10 RS232 levels.
Thanks for the quick reply. Only 4 minutes after I posted. I love this forum.
There are also some RS-232 schematics for our hardware listed right in the Completed Projects Forum. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support