a multi part question for parallax genuise willing to help?
ok here's the thing im working on a bugbot wich is in primitive stage a bobot with modified chasis, Im useing the BS2 homework board revD, now my 3 question are.
1# in the whats a micro controler there is no mention of useing a continous rotation servo and in the robotics with bobot book there was no mention of revD but it shows a 4pack AA set called Vbp used with a board of different revission,I have allready bought it and batts but am wondering if this is ok to use as instructed with· -Vbp to vss and +Vbp to continuous servo's?
2# in another thread in this forum there is a link to another page showing a bs2 circuit for finding voltage useing·this rctime circuit ,
pin of stamp
···································· |
···································· |
··································· .1microfarad
···································· capacitor
···································· |
···································· |
···································· |
·································· Vss
now my question is can I use this with my board to check level of Vin and is Vxx the same as Vin in such case,and if so cant I use a second circuit like it to check Vbp?
3# I found this on the net ,if I build two of them will it work to charge my nicad's or nimh batts the same, what if i swap sw1 & sw2 with a npn and a photoresistor connected to output pins that give a 1/0 t/f to charge this bat now if light is available-and a nap untill acceptable voltage reached in code?
·· 0
·· |······················ |························D1·············· |
·· |···················· (R1)······································· |
·· |······················ |········································· |
··load··················· |·······································(solarcell)
·· |···················(Batt)······································· |
·· |······················ |·········································· |
·· |········/··············|························/················· |
·· 0---0/·· 0
0/·· 0
········ sw1···································· sw2
I will probably be back with questions on the charger circuit's as I have no idea the value of (R) for the 9V or 6V circuit's
I have a 1.5 cell @50ma,a 4.5 cell @100ma,a selectable voltage cell [url=mailto:3Vat200ma&6V@100ma]·"3Vat200ma&6Vat100ma[/url]&9Vat50ma&12Vat50ma", and a 6x12 24Vat 1/2watt cell's at my disposal to do this and am keeping tabs on everything to document price and where i got the parts and documenting schematics used in hopes of helping the community too.
now on the bright side ,first thing tommarow I cutout and build my chasis wich is laid out and waiting on daylight, I am hopeing to have responses to these question's soon after else I will have a cool looking bobot ,but if my pcf8574p arrives tommarow and these above question's come out ok then I will have a super bug bot after my other sensor's&circuits go back on the board. thanks in advance to any who respond .
the circuit's looked good to me but I guess I need some assurence.
1# in the whats a micro controler there is no mention of useing a continous rotation servo and in the robotics with bobot book there was no mention of revD but it shows a 4pack AA set called Vbp used with a board of different revission,I have allready bought it and batts but am wondering if this is ok to use as instructed with· -Vbp to vss and +Vbp to continuous servo's?
2# in another thread in this forum there is a link to another page showing a bs2 circuit for finding voltage useing·this rctime circuit ,
pin of stamp
···································· |
···································· |
··································· .1microfarad
···································· capacitor
···································· |
···································· |
···································· |
·································· Vss
now my question is can I use this with my board to check level of Vin and is Vxx the same as Vin in such case,and if so cant I use a second circuit like it to check Vbp?
3# I found this on the net ,if I build two of them will it work to charge my nicad's or nimh batts the same, what if i swap sw1 & sw2 with a npn and a photoresistor connected to output pins that give a 1/0 t/f to charge this bat now if light is available-and a nap untill acceptable voltage reached in code?
·· 0
·· |······················ |························D1·············· |
·· |···················· (R1)······································· |
·· |······················ |········································· |
··load··················· |·······································(solarcell)
·· |···················(Batt)······································· |
·· |······················ |·········································· |
·· |········/··············|························/················· |
·· 0---0/·· 0
0/·· 0
········ sw1···································· sw2
I will probably be back with questions on the charger circuit's as I have no idea the value of (R) for the 9V or 6V circuit's
I have a 1.5 cell @50ma,a 4.5 cell @100ma,a selectable voltage cell [url=mailto:3Vat200ma&6V@100ma]·"3Vat200ma&6Vat100ma[/url]&9Vat50ma&12Vat50ma", and a 6x12 24Vat 1/2watt cell's at my disposal to do this and am keeping tabs on everything to document price and where i got the parts and documenting schematics used in hopes of helping the community too.
now on the bright side ,first thing tommarow I cutout and build my chasis wich is laid out and waiting on daylight, I am hopeing to have responses to these question's soon after else I will have a cool looking bobot ,but if my pcf8574p arrives tommarow and these above question's come out ok then I will have a super bug bot after my other sensor's&circuits go back on the board. thanks in advance to any who respond .
the circuit's looked good to me but I guess I need some assurence.
·I was also thinking of negitive sculpting a body for the bug in clay then useing some thin plastic like that on a two litter bottle and a heat gun to form the plastic to the inside of the clay mold to create a body like that·used on hobby racers ,-geez I realy wish I could spend more on this project for better materials. for now the chasis is 1/4 inch plywood I had left over from a remodeling project -wish it was anodized aluminum, I do think its gonna all look good but my gripper it will grip but im trying to make it lift slightly too when it closes but I got to do it with the same standard servo dont know if there is any suggestions out there on the gripper·but if I knew how to put a picture in here I would show what·I currently got,but I guess that can wait for now .
·I keep looking at the solar pannel's I've got trying to think up how to add them and if I can use the small ones I got I'll just glue it in the chasis under a clear body -but If I can use the big solar pannel I talked about above I will add /extend the chasis to accomidate it to the rear wich will make the beetle into a wasp wich will force me to add wing's later to .I wonder if flight could be accomplished lol!! can you tell I'm loveing it,I just cant say enough about how much.
p.s. as for the post above I know I'm asking alot at once but isnt that what this forum is for, to draw on the experiance of others,and mostly what i'm asking is for is shoot my circuits down if it will save me some burnt parts or·some reassurance on it being ok to try, I know its trial and error &stand alone but I would help you too.·happy building and I hope to post a finnished project soon. iamdenteddisk@yahoo.com
Vbp- would be the same as Vin- would be the same as Vss
Vbp+ would be the same as Vin+ (but not Vdd!)
Vin = raw battery power
Vdd = +5v regulated power
Vss = ground
That looks like Tracy Allen's RCTIME circuit for measuring battery power. Yes that will work, but I would encourage you to revisit his page and run through his steps for calculating what value resistors and cap you need -- remember you will be measuring battery voltage (if you are using 4AA) that at max will be, say, 6.4 volts, not 12 as I think Dr. Allen's article describes.
Might be OK for some purposes, but for charging NiMH other considerations apply. If you do a search at the forums, there have been a number of threads recently specifically discussing charging lead-acid/Nicad and NiMH from solar panels and the like.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
just a few more trips to the local hardware for screws an bushing's & stuff not realized in the concept stage,can someone leave a simple instruction on posting pictures too ,so I can put some on here to get some feedback ,I want to finish documenting this big pile of parts so I can assemble and reorganize my bench its getting cluttered..dead bug everywhere..lol
Charging -- see Beau's solar charging circuit -- he uses a Stamp (any micro pin will do) and a transistor/diode configuration to turn a relay on and off. http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=727110
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST