Sure. There's loadable libraries for the PC that will control a USB to blue-tooth adapter. The Wii controller is a blue-tooth device, the library will let you talk to it. So then you use the PC as a Wii-mote to BOE-Bot adapter. Open one port to the Wii-mote, open another port to the BOE-Bot, and go for it.
so can i use two wiimote to control boe-bot , one use for boebot one to use remote control , if wiimote have blue-tooth interface can wiimote syn with each other? and how can i hookup to boe-bot ?
allanlane5 is saying that there are ways for a WiiMote to communicate with a PC via Bluetooth. You will need some kind of program for the PC that you will have to write yourself that talks to the WiiMote via Bluetooth, then sends messages to the BoeBot either via a cable or via another Bluetooth adapter or via some other kind of wireless link.
The BoeBot can easily communicate via a serial port. There's no ready-made program to do this on the Stamp end because the details of the kind of communication and the data that needs to be exchanged varies so widely from application to application. Ways to communicate wirelessly with a BoeBot include the EB500 Bluetooth Adapter, xBee (ZigBee) adapters, Parallax's RF Transmitter/Receivers or Transceivers. You can even connect an IR interface to a PC and use the BoeBot's IR sensors for receivers (see the "IR Remote for the BoeBot" tutorial for examples of this using a universal remote control).
The BoeBot can easily communicate via a serial port. There's no ready-made program to do this on the Stamp end because the details of the kind of communication and the data that needs to be exchanged varies so widely from application to application. Ways to communicate wirelessly with a BoeBot include the EB500 Bluetooth Adapter, xBee (ZigBee) adapters, Parallax's RF Transmitter/Receivers or Transceivers. You can even connect an IR interface to a PC and use the BoeBot's IR sensors for receivers (see the "IR Remote for the BoeBot" tutorial for examples of this using a universal remote control).