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how to wire and test for true mini microphone? — Parallax Forums

how to wire and test for true mini microphone?

iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
edited 2008-07-14 05:49 in Robotics
I·got a mini microphone and want to test for true 1 for sound 0 for none how to wire and test for BS2 would be nice im sure someone knows? who can help gets credit for it... also is it possible to test value of microphone? I havent seen this yet in docs..


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-31 14:22
    Here's one sample circuit from a simple web search for "sound detector":
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-06-01 05:33
    wonderfull I have it all but the 741 op amp,dont guess you got one for the lm386 lol ,thanks mike ,I was realy hopeing it would be direct connect "without amp"like the piezio spkr circuit but I guess now I have a use for that big proto board from collage ,it swells the project a bit but thats ok its just a bigger bott -still light enough for useing standard servos . Also I have to say how much I apreciate the use of this forum and its super member's like Mike ,Im able to just keep developing instead of the usual 1 hour on the project,3 weeks of research, thanks to this forum and web resources available I stop for food eat while checking mail buzz in check the forums for answers to old post ,start any downloads ,order needed parts or post new questions then back to project. I'm covering alot of ground and achieveing alot verry quickly kinda shocking but a verry satisfieing experiance.

    p.s. I'm wondering "Mike green" do you work for parallax ,I have come here my self atleast 4 times for undocumented help and out of those four times you have offered the best tech help 4 in a row . If you dont work for them you should or atleast setup a paypal account to recieve donation's from greatful user's of your advice. you and a few others like you have kept me on track and my project progressing Thanks!! to my R&D team here.
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-06-01 05:48
    the sound detector circuit dose its job of test for truth, but I also ask about testing value of sound ,like test for volume or pitch I thought this might be of value not only to me but the community as a way of homeing in on either certian pitches like voice or beacon ,or the loudest "wich is usualy the closest source" sounds- if it is possible with bs2 "I allready thought up a few applications like a tool box that follows you around <
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-06-25 07:05
    sound detector you offered works perfectly thanks mike took a while to get the 741 ,I allmost forgot to put the sound detection in the mix I just got side tracked i guess with all else i was working on..
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2008-06-25 15:12
    Mike, if you can test for truth with a 741 op amp, you're twice the stamp god I ever·suspected.

    Round up OJ Simpson and a 741!

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-06-25 20:56
    actualy erco ,I meant "true" sound is detected or "false" no sound detected ,not "did you kill your wife on the night of the 5th" lol. Im sure you knew that ..

    ·But there is actualy is a way to emulate lie detection useing an amplifier and some recording method"record/playback ic"·as in when truth is told about simple subjects like "is the sun yellow?" the laymen's answer is usualy yes and can be recorded then a more complex question asked then 2 yes's can be compared with looking for·normalizeation if the 2 are the same truth can be suposed but if there is a pause or stutter or a crackle noticed then a lie can be suposed. though it isnt 100% acurate it is usualy prety close and to my knollage no lie detection attempt has yet been proven 100% accurate yet. -perhaps someone can use this in a project and document it here..also there are some documentation as to the body chemistry changeing intantaniously with stress or sweating·-this is actualy 2 parts of a real lie detector to test vocal response and continuity "wich is basicly a sensitive ohmmeter"then a third part is to monitor heart rate these are three parts I know of any way.

    still there has been no input as to how to test value of mic pitch or volume·, my intension was to use it to home in on a certian pitch/volume"or follow"·or even as a method of testing distance from echo volume "like sonar"because the spkr is so easy to implement on parallax bs2 boards.
  • J. A. StreichJ. A. Streich Posts: 158
    edited 2008-06-27 20:28
    I also ask about testing value of sound ,like test for volume or pitch.

    Testing for volume means you'll need an ADC, and you'll have to find the local maximums (and minimums) of each wave cycle which will be your amplitude.
    Pitch will require using the zero crossing method for simple monophonic sound, or (more likely) using FFT algo (which I think is posted somewhere for the BS2) which will five you frequency of the dominant sound.
    If you know the pitch you're looking for, zero crossing with a hardware filiter could possibily work without spending all the cycles needed for FFT. That said, using a BS2 will mean either high level inaccuracy if your doing other things, or not being able to do much else. You may want to look at the propeller for this project.
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-07-02 03:31
    is there a commonly used analog/digital converter with paralax bs2's I'm without a reference manual at the moment I can by componants online but have no idea wich to buy I now have a 5 and 6v supply ready for use but figureing out wich adc to order isnt easy I'm open to suggestions you can see what im up to from the post's above.

    if I can get some of this implemented I can get 2 way speech working with the speech engine that would be sweet !!!! vocal input and audible output .

    By the way the speech engine is allready some big achivement for me and has so far been relitively cheap,and its quiet mind boggleing once you get a few hours chatt put in it it is almost like the machine dissapears and a human is on the other end, as far as my experiance with the popular chattbots you see online this is much more sugnificant and capable. and it is going to also have physical response useing any robot platform I add it to . dont know how many have been following my post for beta tester's but if you are serious about bot building I suggest jumping in for the experiance and if you want to be apart of its development send me an email,feedback. my intensions for this is freeware but the experiance is priceless and better than any degree in my oppinion if for only the diversity of materials and tools your exposed to. aswell as access to my vast reserch library's
    I'm hopeing to get a few day's here soon to edit my website to accomidate this instead of clogging the forums here but this is where I spend alot of my off time so it kinda naturaly became the place to post my work.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-07-02 03:37
    The LT1298 is a 2 channel 12 bit device that has sample code available from Parallax

    The ADC083n (1, 2, 4) is a series of 8 bit devices with 1, 2, or 4 channels that also has sample code available.
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-07-04 02:38
    super cool thanks mike it seems the biggest challange is the info like this.I'm trying to find downloadable reference manual's now,so maybe I wont bother you guy's with every little detail. it's just so hard to find correct or up to date information these day's,useto they just mail you so many you·could use them for kindling ,now you got to pay·$40 buck's to get the catalog to decide if you want to buy something while they run a hit on your·credit report and milk your cards. "State of the Union", -Go figure!!·,-TY.G.W.B....I wish hank willims jr or jesse ventura or George Carlin would've run for president.or even pinnocio..integrity or·gutts to say it or you'd atleast see it comeing. cant say that about the new puppet technology ,cant see any strings attached and they can lie to your face .

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-07-04 04:13
    The internet is your friend! I hope you don't think I have shelves of catalogs and files full of datasheets. I look up pretty much everything on-line. I do have bookmarks to major suppliers and to major IC manufacturers, but I'll often just do a Google search for the part number I want or a description of it.
  • iamdenteddiskiamdenteddisk Posts: 66
    edited 2008-07-14 05:49
    no I dont think that at all but it is verry kind of you Mike to offer the help. besides if you where the god we all hoped for you'd probably spend more time hitting the "smite button" than helping us out. but I think you may have just opened my eyes to something·I didnt see here too. I have been useing yahoo for my default search for years it was allways adequit till now but I went and retried some of my failed searches on google to find a wealth of correct info. I think it was my info problem all along . I just kept getting wrong or out of date manuals like it was·propaganda /conspiracy·or something lol -·maybe yahoo dosent want anyone getting correct info?<
    weirdly enough

    any way I got to take a break from building for a while and let software catch back up ,my wallet keeps telling me its getting hungry too.

    and once I get some more done on the software I will try to get a show and tell package together for the forum. I realy have been working on some cool things ,things I never thought possible on my budget. I can keep working on the software cause it cost only time but my next few steps on the robot requires some prety expensive additiions and a possible scrap of the bug project and push in the humanoid direction because the speech engine/AI is getting so "able" I realy think Im ready for it as soon as I can afford to.

    I'm gonna offer the original bugbot chassis for sale and offer to make upgraded model's too as I concieved doing a beetle,wasp,scorpion from the original if i get any taker's I can apply that aswell as the thin slice I get of my pay to the next project.

    Thanks guy's for all the help and a generaly good experiance bugbot was and is a successfull project and experiment,··now to Im off to·a new direction·.

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