CLEARANCE SALE: PropSTICK Kit Bare Printed Circuit Boards

Parallax has discontinued the PropSTICK Kit and has exhausted their stock. I still have some bare printed circuit boards for them, which I am now offering for sale. They are being sold in packs of two for $11, four for $19, and eight for $36 only. Prices are postage-paid, so shipping must be to a U.S. postal address. Shipments to Washington State addresses will have 8.4% sales tax added. 'Very sorry, but I cannot accept orders for non-U.S. destinations at this time. However, if I have trouble selling my remaining stock, this could change.
What you will receive is illustrated in the photo below and includes either two, four, or eight each of the following items:
Attached below is the documentation for this special package. It includes catalog numbers for the parts which are not included. You will be on your own to obtain these parts to populate the board. While it's very likely that equivalent parts can be substituted for those specified, I cannot provide any guidance regarding substitutions. Please do not ask.
The boards are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects, but that's about it. This is a clearance sale, so I cannot provide any support for these — either on the forum or privately — or answer any questions regarding their assembly or operation. Also, it would be improper to contact Parallax Tech support with questions about them, unless those questions pertain solely to the operation of the Propeller chip itself.
That said, this is an opportunity to pick up some Propeller boards on the cheap. Here's where to order: BTW, I'm using PayPal "Buy Now" buttons for the first time. (I hope they work as advertised. They work great!) You don't have to be a PayPal member to use them: a credit card will also work fine. If you have any trouble ordering, please leave a note in this thread or email me. Also, my website has no way to track inventory, so I'll have to watch things pretty closely and shut it down when my stock is depleted. There's still a chance, though, that an order or two could come in after that happens. In such a case, I'll simply refund the money.
Thank you!
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 7/17/2008 5:05:47 AM GMT
What you will receive is illustrated in the photo below and includes either two, four, or eight each of the following items:
- PropSTICK Kit Bare PCB.
- Self-adhesive Plastic Propeller Label and Crystal Insulator.
- Extractor Stick

Attached below is the documentation for this special package. It includes catalog numbers for the parts which are not included. You will be on your own to obtain these parts to populate the board. While it's very likely that equivalent parts can be substituted for those specified, I cannot provide any guidance regarding substitutions. Please do not ask.
The boards are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects, but that's about it. This is a clearance sale, so I cannot provide any support for these — either on the forum or privately — or answer any questions regarding their assembly or operation. Also, it would be improper to contact Parallax Tech support with questions about them, unless those questions pertain solely to the operation of the Propeller chip itself.
That said, this is an opportunity to pick up some Propeller boards on the cheap. Here's where to order: BTW, I'm using PayPal "Buy Now" buttons for the first time. (I hope they work as advertised. They work great!) You don't have to be a PayPal member to use them: a credit card will also work fine. If you have any trouble ordering, please leave a note in this thread or email me. Also, my website has no way to track inventory, so I'll have to watch things pretty closely and shut it down when my stock is depleted. There's still a chance, though, that an order or two could come in after that happens. In such a case, I'll simply refund the money.
Thank you!
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 7/17/2008 5:05:47 AM GMT
BTW, the "Buy Now" button is working great! It was extremely easy to implement, using PayPal's online tools. You have to be a PayPal member to have one on your website, but not to make purchases with it.
(Not to worry: that was the drawer divider cut in half. 'Don't wanna destroy too much merchandise just for advertising, after all.)
I can't very well drop the price: it wouldn't be fair to those who have already bought. And frankly, with the postage, packaging, and time, my margin is pretty slim as it is. Any less and it's more economical just to write them off.
While it's tempting to compare the total parts cost to that of the Protoboard (plus a PropPlug or USB2SER), a more accurate comparison would be with the PropStick USB and original PropStick Kit, both of which retail(ed) for $79.95. But in any event, those who benefit most from the bare boards will either have a specific need for the PropStick's unique form factor and built-in RS232 port or already have some of the other parts in hand.
Have you sold all these?
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