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Wireless Programming BS2 — Parallax Forums

Wireless Programming BS2

Tcpip_v6Tcpip_v6 Posts: 15
edited 2008-05-30 17:48 in BASIC Stamp
I'm trying to connect a ezl-80c (wireless LAN -> RS232 to the serial port of a Basic Stamp 2.
Because the ezl-80c has a 3.3V TTL UART Interface I use a max3232 to convert the signals. I'm able to send and recieve serial data by using the ezl-80c between my pc and bs2, however programming the stamp doesn't work.

The ezl80c only has RXD, TXD, RTS, CTS signals where the bs2 also requires a DTR. I already tried to make this signal high on the BS2 but it doesn't work.

Anyone an idea?


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-05-30 17:48
    As far as I have seen here this will not work. Even if you had DTR your timing would not be tight enough to program the chip.

    - Stephen
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