help getting componants #pcf8574
hi all,I have just spent the last 7 hours trying to get a "pcf8574p" an·I.C. chip from phillips ,I have also·tried parallax -who is out of stock,jameco who's website automaticly adds 500 count to cart and wont add just two,texas insturments -who wants you to buy in lot's of 1050 or more,and radio shack-who might just as well be called the cell phone store, salesmen are useless they know only where the timeclock is,infact 2 of the 5 stores I visited looked at me like·I was a fool to goto radio shack for electronics ,I left thinking maybe I should've ordered a taco.·I just want a simple chip·"a couple if price is right"·and 2 continuous rotation servo's<wich they are actually in stock at parallax wich I will order as soon as I secure the I.C. to finish my "father&son"·project.
oh and before its said that its a discontinued part,it is made new in production runs meaning they dont retool unless there makeing a mint.10thousand or more I have spoken to C.E.O's who say"we will gladly run more if there is demand."
sorry about the slander but im getting frustrated with the state of the union here because I setout on this project·to share in·the achivement not to be grounded·at the gate
So my question is:
can anyone point me to a known good source? -Im sitting "credit card ready" willing to pay shipping,or even a little more for just ordering a couple·and I'm not above salvage if I only know what product to seek on ebay to plunder for the chip. or a link to a website,1-800 number anything would be greatly appreciated.
oh and before its said that its a discontinued part,it is made new in production runs meaning they dont retool unless there makeing a mint.10thousand or more I have spoken to C.E.O's who say"we will gladly run more if there is demand."
sorry about the slander but im getting frustrated with the state of the union here because I setout on this project·to share in·the achivement not to be grounded·at the gate
So my question is:
can anyone point me to a known good source? -Im sitting "credit card ready" willing to pay shipping,or even a little more for just ordering a couple·and I'm not above salvage if I only know what product to seek on ebay to plunder for the chip. or a link to a website,1-800 number anything would be greatly appreciated.
They charge a handling fee + shipping, but it looks like they will sell you just 1 or 2.
- Stephen
then·I tried the next link offered a wich poped up with a good clear picture "no digging"that I could actually read the identification numbers on the chip well enough to varify this was the desired part·I clicked buy and it wanted me then to·register an account wich took about 30 seconds ,beautifull in my book .they did require a $15 handleing fee per order ,so the chip wich was listed in other sites for $1.50 each if bought in lots of 1thousand or more·was at·for $4.95 for 1 add the $15.00 and come in under $20.00 hi but worth it to me to get what I wanted and not have to buy a thousand to get it or jump through hoops or know more about their business than them,now I will wait and see if it actually shows up because there where a few questionable things about the site not haveing a padlock icon denoteing a secure site but my card is insured so it is a willing risk. I also added them to my favorites for future use as my plan is to eventually take this project to market so if all goes well and the chip shows up in seven day's then recieves Rsquared's mark of endorsement.
I am going to hold off on ordering the servo's from parallax untill then so I can monitor card charges but soon Im hopeing to have a cool new project to post about. thanks agian !!!
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I don't know what Jameco's deal is, all this "waiver from Diana stuff".· Oh well, too many fish in the sea.·
No sense trashing "the shack" for this, they sell what they sell.
I'm going to "Del Taco", two shredded beef burritos and a coke.· Yeah, baby.
Time·─ Space·─ Gravity·─ Darkness·─ Death
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 5/29/2008 2:21:43 AM GMT
You can also look at (Mfg# PCF8574PN)
These are in stock, and can be ordered in single quantities. Also, Digi-Key no longer charges a handling fee for small orders.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!
On a trip to "radio shack" I saw the "hex bug" looks cool ,its locomotion walk method is prety neat but in practicality, unless your application is a demonstration maze with an exit whole to fall out of its prety useless ,not programable,uses only 2 input types,a microphone for sound activation and a touch switch antanne -though the way the touch switch is designed is prety simplistic·it gives a more realistic look it is a steel rod with what looks like a "G" guitar string wound into a spring to cover the rod and let continue about an inch infront of the bug the two seperated only by an air gap·to simulate antanne -this is simplistic switch·I know but also gives verry realistic look and is even more sensitive to touch than those darn airconditioning door switches or push buttons/lever's·we see so much of, because a door switch must travel about an inch to activate and with a tight air gap the spring on the switch only has to flex 1/10th of a centimeter or so before it activates and a push button is hard to press if it works at all, anyhow once·I bought one of these for $10 I ran it on a kitchen table a bit and then went to the hexbug website to find out if any modifications or hack's had been devised ,sadly no or at least none offered·within an·hour of ownership it had quiet a·bunch of them though. still I just couldnt program it for an actual application so I went to my work bench and right away·I decided the·BS2 homework board to fit the bill it is small and light enough to for a bug bot and was simply programed, now the rest of the story.
my bug would use the same walk method and the same touch swithch antanne but would be bigger,programable,solar powered,be sound sensitive,emit sound,be light sensitive,emit light,motion sensitive,graphicly field programable useing a pcf8574p i2c interface chip and a ti86 calculator&some creative software, they·can find eachother·or calculator useing sound light-IR·or motion·"simular to bat sonar" and interface with eachother aswell with the same i2c protocol, each would have these common attributes and 1 or more of the following attributes
·1>small pincer&cutting mandable and digging mechanizim·optional<
·2>water pump &holding·bladder &bidirectional valve optional<
·3>specialized material handleing mechanizim&extended storage memory<
·4>specialized tool & FM or IR tranciver<
·5>specialied material extruder & FM or IR tranciver<
·6>atmospheric sampler pump& atmospheric gas storage<
·7>onboard ti86&data logger·as directing logic unit & FM or IR tranciver<
·8>you get the idea of two cocomplimenting tools<
what is its current application?:my vegitable garden.
what is its intended application?:demonstration of possibility's for ·terraforming&low impact automated farming,hive construction
My future intensions?: self replication &self specialization
I have been hobbying in computer programing for some 26 years now since my first commodore64 arrived ,since I have mastered advanced classes in electronics,·miniµ computer design and become a fluent programer in low and high level languages,·specialized in industrial automation&climate control and am intrigued with what is dubbed Artificial inteligence ,physics and advanced calculation and have turned out some prety impressive things in my book but in most respects choose to belive the computer to be the human mind that can be altered or reset on a whim to me they are inteligent not so artificialy so but·like a child ,give it a task it dose it if it knows how if not it ask how or fumbles to learn my point being a machine can if "programed" do anything humans do only at the speed the electron can travel,can survive on sunlight,or exibit functions like diapause/stasus without billions in research.
what I must do?: 2 things
1 dominate the earth ,looking around thats done .
2 go forth multiply ,my current task.
happy building hope my drama inspires you to buy from parallax and join the crusade.