Is there such a thing as a "Silent Servo?"
Hi all,
Been experimenting with servos lately.· Just wondering if there was such a thing as a "silent servo?"· Or something like that?· It might be a type of servo or a feature of a servo (i.e. brushless, ball-bearing, etc) that I don't know about yet.
Here's what I'm wondering...
Say I were to build a small circuit that had 2 servos in it and place it in a small project box (where everything was self-contained incl a battery power supply).· If I handed that to someone to hold and the servos were activated (they would be moving IN the box...nothing outside the box), I'm thinking they would hear them working and possibly feel the movement (depending on the mounting situation).
I'd like someone to NOT hear or feel the movement of the servos at all.
Also, does anyone have a good source for small gears?
Been experimenting with servos lately.· Just wondering if there was such a thing as a "silent servo?"· Or something like that?· It might be a type of servo or a feature of a servo (i.e. brushless, ball-bearing, etc) that I don't know about yet.
Here's what I'm wondering...
Say I were to build a small circuit that had 2 servos in it and place it in a small project box (where everything was self-contained incl a battery power supply).· If I handed that to someone to hold and the servos were activated (they would be moving IN the box...nothing outside the box), I'm thinking they would hear them working and possibly feel the movement (depending on the mounting situation).
I'd like someone to NOT hear or feel the movement of the servos at all.
Also, does anyone have a good source for small gears?
For reference, the makers of new PLEO dinosaur promised "silent running" gearboxes by using umpteen custom-designed gears, but failed to deliver. PLEO is just as noisy as i-Cybie and every other production robot out there. Making reliable, efficient·gearboxes to transmit real-work torque loads is a science, and noise is a common by-product.
Small gears are available through Vigor Precision in Hong Kong, but unless you're a·master machinist·it would be hard to improve upon their preassembled gearboxes, essentially the Solarbotics-type.
IMHO, custom mechanical prototyping is almost a lost·art these days. Tons of electronics and software help is available, but·guys·who can pick the right motor/battery combo and give you a properly-working·geartrain are few & far between. If you find a guy you can afford, support him!
·"If you build it, they will come."