Bi-Color LED - single pin wiring
I was wondering how much power (if a significant amount) is wasted by wiring a bi-color LED in the [noparse][[/noparse]attached] manor. Or what other issues might there be? I can pull the pin high to turn the light one color, and low for the other. I already know it works, but am wondering if I am going to waste battery power by doing so (and by how much). Also, does this wiring mean the BS2 is outputting less power or more?
Would it behoove me to use more than 220-Ohm on either side. The LED can be a bit dimmer, maybe 330-Ohm?
Any other ways to wire the bi-color on a single pin?
Would it behoove me to use more than 220-Ohm on either side. The LED can be a bit dimmer, maybe 330-Ohm?
Any other ways to wire the bi-color on a single pin?

220x2 = 440 ohm..
v = i * r
v = 5 volts
r = 440 ohm
i = v/r
i = .0113 a or 11.3 milliamps lost through the 2 resistors.
if you use 2 1K resistors it is 2.5 milliamps
but the 2.5 ma is what will be lost to 2 1K resistors in stead of the 220 ohm.
a led will lite using a 1k resistor on a stamp pin.. it may not be super bright.. but it does work.. and is visable.
if you do the math, a standard red led with a voltage drop of 2 volts..
vr = 5 volt - 2 volts (drop on the led)
3 volts
i = v/r
i = 3 volt/1000 ohm = 3 ma· I've seen it work. I know it works.. infact lemme wire it up right now.
yes it does work, kinda dim on the r/g led I have (the one from the WAM kit)
maybe you could use 470 ohm resistors.
hrmm.. a lil bit brighter.
5.3 ma through the 2 470 ohm resistors.
Be sure to check the forward voltages of your LED first. If one is higher than the other, you will want to adjust the relative zener voltages to compensate.
For a little more headroom, instead of zeners, you might consider a virtual ground or "rail splitter" like the Texas Instruments TLE2426. It will do the same thing as your original voltage divider, but without the excessive quiescent current draw (170uA, compared with 11mA for the divider). You will still need a resistor in series with the LED to limit current. 15 or 22 ohms should do nicely.
***edited: ah ok, i·think i figured it out, to eliminate the power supply loss during off-time....i think, correct me if i am wrong
Post Edited (logical) : 10/19/2008 7:26:59 AM GMT
It is very rare to have two different LEDs with the same forward voltage, so what would be an exceptional range for the forward voltages that would be suitable with those 2.7V zeners?
By using a rail splitter instead of the zeners, you gain an extra 0.2V of headroom in both directions. At the expense of a larger package, you could use an op-amp instead and set the output voltage to whatever fraction of 5V yields the the closest relative brightness levels.
However, if I drop the whole bi-color LED component, and·use the first schematic·you·uploaded with just the two·seperate LEDs, would it matter if their Forward Voltages were different too?
Also would that circuit work the same way, as in if I send out logical 1 one LED lights up, and if I send out logical 0 the other LED lights up?
Post Edited (logical) : 10/22/2008 9:45:16 PM GMT
· -- Carl
All single pin approaches leave one LED on all of the time.
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· -- Carl