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rf +bs2

smartgsmartg Posts: 26
edited 2008-05-25 22:08 in BASIC Stamp
how do·you connect the rxd-433-kh2 reciever·to a bs2.a schematic would·be great.and also if you know of a site where it shows you how to learn to· program to do what i'll sees what i mean if you go to bs2 forum and click rf abrieviationthen clickthis document.wuold be greatful. jumpin.gif p.s. doesnt this icon look cool.

Post Edited (smartg) : 5/24/2008 10:13:27 PM GMT


  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-24 23:12
    The schematic on Page 9 of that datasheet is about all you need to get connected to your stamp. The·next problem is that the module is surface-mount and you'll need to get it into a more user-friendly physical package - like with an adapter card.

    This IS the site to learn to program·to do what you want. smilewinkgrin.gif

    Consider this code:

    INPUT 1
    ······· hold: IF IN1 =·0 THEN hold·· 'wait for button
    GOTO do_something_else

    All it says is, that for as long as IN1 is low (a logic 0), loop back to 'hold'. As soon as the state of IN1 changes to a high (a logic 1) go on and 'do_something_else'. How this applies to the·RXD-433-KH2 is that one of the eight outputs will be tied to one of eight inputs on the stamp.·When the RXD-433-KH2 recieves a valid signal, the coresponding pin will change logic state and the attached stamp pin will react to the change in logic state and go do what your program tells it to.

    Make sense?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-05-25 00:42
    You need to continue your posts in the same thread rather than starting a new post. Multi posting is considered bad manners. Pick one of your posts and stick with it.

    - Stephen
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 14:17
    so when you get this from links is it alredy assembled ,pre-assembled,or what .does come with the dip switch and·the antena or do i have to buy them seperatly.jumpin.gif

    Post Edited (smartg) : 5/25/2008 2:30:29 PM GMT
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-25 14:35
    This module (rxd-433-kh2) is just a packaged IC chip and it's in what's called a surface mount package (SMT) which is hard to work with because it's designed for automated assembly with special machinery. Please look at the documentation for the evaluation kits, particularly the basic keyfob kit. That has pictures and schematics for using these chips and would show you what's involved and what's included in the evaluation kits.
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 14:48
    As mike said, it's a surface mount module. Parallax buys and resells them like you see here:

    They come assembled and ready to plug-n-play, which makes them easy to use, but that's also why they're expensive.

    Do you already have a transmitter?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-25 15:26
    Steve in NM is partially correct, but Parallax's units do not include the encoder or decoder, just the transmitter and receiver chips and some interface circuitry.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 16:02
    No i dont have a transmiter but i planning on getting the keyfob with five butons.I thought about it and what you said mike is true ,they dont have a decoder/encoder[noparse][[/noparse]the ones that parallax sells]·.I remember mike you said i need a decoder so i got to looking and i found the kh2 reciever.i have looked at the keyfob kit and i am not for sure ,but doesnt it say it comes with two keyfobs and 2 recievers . i only need one of each·,but i will check.·jumpin.gif

    Post Edited (smartg) : 5/25/2008 4:08:16 PM GMT
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 16:09
    BAH! Thanks for clarifying, Mike.

    Parallax doesn't sell anything with·Linx's RXD-433-KH2.

    AND, I assumed that the RXM-433-LR-S had an integrated decoder. blush.gif

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 16:19
    smartg: Do you have a link to the keyfob you're looking at?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 16:35
    what do you mean link
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 16:56
    Do you have a URL to the site that sells the keyfob?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 17:03
    i know you must think im stupid cuase i dont know what url is .
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 17:09
    No. Not at all!

    Where did you see the keyfob?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-25 17:19
    Read the datasheet on the keyfob evaluation kit carefully. You'll see that it does come with two keyfobs and two receivers and decoders, but one receiver and one decoder is already wired to the evaluation board along with an address dipswitch and a couple of other parts including a battery holder, buzzer, LED, antenna jack with an antenna, and a little prototyping area where you can solder individual wires or a cable or socket pins or some other way to get the signals to the Stamp board.

    If you decide to get the evaluation kit, you might choose the transmitter with 8 buttons and a small external antenna. You'll get the possibility of more switch closures and better range.

    Here's the link:
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 17:46
    Yikes! freaked.gif Those ain't cheap at $120.

    smartg: If you're open to suggestions,·you can do this with a BS1, a TX/RX pair, and a handful of parts for·around $50. Probably even cheaper. Coding for it is very easy. Especially since it's already been done.

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 18:24
    i saw it on you tube "boe mop". i went and checked out the kit .to me,l it said it came with 2 keyfobs and 1 of everything else,but i will go back and i only have a bs2 , and realy dont feel like geting a bs1.i am only 12 and it was hard enough to convince my parents to order a bs2[noparse][[/noparse]i paid for it].yeah i know 120 dollars is a lot .but i get 15 dollars a week washing slowly ill get you see what my ultimate goal is to control my robot manuely.then when i press the center button and it goes in atonoumos mode with·a ping looking left ,right ,then forward.and go to the place which is further away. tell me if you think that is
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-25 18:37
    Yep! Very cool. cool.gif

    Now think of it running around pinging in autonomous mode, sending data back to you at the computer so you can see what it's thinking/seeing. How cool is that?

    I'm not a complete idiot! Some of my parts are missing.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 20:08
    i have thought about something like that.but using a camera instead.yeah one more gquestion when you get the kit do you have to solder it all together or what .
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-25 20:36
    I still think you are making a mistake by fixing on this keyfob RF remote control. If you had more experience with electronics and electronic construction, maybe you could modify some other kind of RF remote control to work the way you want, something you might find at a garage sale for example. Given what you seem to know, I think your best solution is to use the infrared detector that is already part of the BoeBot and use a TV remote control or buy a universal remote control from RadioShack or BestBuy or another "big box" store. RadioShack has one for $8 for example. The tutorial "IR Remote for the Boe-Bot robot" that you can download from here ( explains how IR remote controls work and gives sample programs for decoding the remote control codes.

    To answer your other question: You have to do some soldering, like to attach wires to the evaluation board that can be connected to your robot. The main parts are already soldered in place and the receiver and decoder look like they're ready to go.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-25 22:08
    i have never really been a fan of IR.thats why i chose sonar over it.realy i dont know why ,i just dont like it.if you think about it what would happen if you were in a area that had IR waves.i will think a bout it but,it just depends. thanks for the help and if you could check out my topic on ping program.

    Post Edited (smartg) : 5/25/2008 10:15:15 PM GMT
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