USB/New Computer/BS2px problems
I am programming a BS2px on a computer that I usually don't use. I remember when I first plugged in a while back I had to change the COM port's latency to 1 and a couple other changes, but I can't remember what they were. I've changed the latency, but when I try to program the chip it gets the Loopback and Echo, but says "No BASIC Stamps found". I've checked the connection, checked the power. Any help you can give me? Maybe baud rate?
The chip I am using was previously programmed on a computer I don't have access to, and it is debugging info that I can read, but I can't program it.
The chip I am using was previously programmed on a computer I don't have access to, and it is debugging info that I can read, but I can't program it.
- Stephen
- Stephen
I have now tried multiple BS2 modules (BS2px, BS2, and a BS2sx), they all do the partial, but very rarely a complete program download (no matter the size or nature of the program).
If nobody else has any ideas, I guess I will call Monday (or Tuesday if they are closed for the weekend), and will post the answer/results on here. Originally they said it had to do with some default settings for the USB ports in Windows XP. But we will see.
- Stephen
The instructions for resetting latency are available on our website on the USB Driver download page. You can get to this right from our home page by clicking on the USB icon on the lower right portion of the page. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support