New Boe-Bot, No Green Power Light, Computer doesn't recognize a Basic Stamp, he
I recently bought a Boe-Bot for my daughter (USB version #28832, with a Basic Stamp 2). She put it together and successfully got the Boe-Bot to accept various programs.·Apparently she did not push the Basic Stamp 2 all the way into the socket. It fell out, and when·she put it back in (with it inserted all the way into the socket) the unit no longer worked. She is fairly sure the power was off when she reinserted the Basic Stamp 2. Now the unit does not work. When we push control-R we get a message saying that no Basic Stamp can be·found. The green power light no longer comes on, and the heat sink on the voltage regulator gets quite hot. (I'm not sure whether it was getting hot before.) When the USB cable is connected, the colored lights (blue and red?) flash just like they did before the unit malfunctioned.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Mark S.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Mark S.
Thanks again, and best wishes,
Mark S.
Thank you!! That was it. Two of the lead wires on components installed in the bread board were touching. Now that they are separated, it is working again.
Do you have any suggestions for how to make sure lead wires don't touch? On some of the projects it seems that the bread board gets crowded, and the long lead wires are not so easy to keep apart. I wonder if anyone uses plastic sleeves on the lead wires.
Thanks again.
Best wishes,
Mark S.
Mark S.
Teflon tubing also works well - but it's expensive. A 100 foot roll is nearly $100
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.