problems with MOSFET
hello..... im using the IRF510 mosfet that others have talked about in the forum. I'm pretty sure i have it all hooked up correctly using the following link as a reference:
At the moment I am just powering a LED to make sure things work before I plug it into my motor. The circuit works when using Vss as my ground and Vdd as my source (I just have it toggle on and off). When i swap out out Vss and Vdd for the leads of my 7.2v battery pack the circuit stops working. I have tried both orientations of leads just in case the battery was wired backwards but neither orientation works.
any ideas?
At the moment I am just powering a LED to make sure things work before I plug it into my motor. The circuit works when using Vss as my ground and Vdd as my source (I just have it toggle on and off). When i swap out out Vss and Vdd for the leads of my 7.2v battery pack the circuit stops working. I have tried both orientations of leads just in case the battery was wired backwards but neither orientation works.
any ideas?
thanks for the info
Since the VGS of the IRF510 ranges from 2V to 4V (<- temperature and current dependent) and the Stamp's I/O can be 0.6V below VDD when HIGH (4.4V), that only leaves about 400mV of overhead which can cause the IRF510 to heat more than it should, because you are operating it in it's linear region. Unfortunately, as the IRF510 heats up, the situation only gets worse and you can have a nice thermal event.
Use caution though if using the diode trick... A similar thing can now happen at the other end. This time if the I/O pin goes LOW, instead of 0.6V being ground, it could very well be 1.2V ... you have a little bit more headroom here (800mV) before you start to approach the VGS 2V threshold.
The IRL510 on the other hand has a VGS of 1V to 2V and is better suited for microcontroller control.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Anyone have any suggestions?
The gate of the 510 was to receive input from the output pin of a 555 thru an optoisolator.·
I got the·555 PWM part working, and I was able to send a variable duty cycle to the 510, with which, I could control my motor, with a single IRF510. In this configuration, the motor was on the high side, wired to drain, and source went to ground. The gate also had a connection to ground thru a resistor. This ensured turnoff.
Things started not working when I introduced a second 510. I· attempted to build a bridge. Based on every MOSFET brigh diagram I saw, wiring would have to have been
IRF510 #1
High => Drain
Source => motor
Motor => Drain (IRF510#2)
Source => Ground
When it didn't work, I took it· apart, and tried the first half of the circuit by itself. The same components and signals that worked fine when wired
High => Motor
Motor => Drain
Source => Ground·· : did not work when wired as
High => Drain
Source => Motor
Motor => Ground
Are there PNP·and NPN MOSFETs?
I found a ·post elsewhere on this forum and found a layout for a bridge using ·TIP42 and TIP31 (PNP and NPN)·transistors.·That one works, but I have problems with this too. One direction provides lower voltage than the other. I assume this as due to variance in resistors etc.
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PLEASE CONSIDER the following:
Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······