Basic Stamp programming Basic Stamp
Any ideas on how to programm a basic stamp by copying the memory of another basic stamp to it?
I have a device with basic stamp and I want it to be able to transfer the code to other identical devices
that haven't been programmed.
I have a device with basic stamp and I want it to be able to transfer the code to other identical devices
that haven't been programmed.

these two questions must be answered to do it with any controler
dose it support string variables,yes
will it change execution based on those variables,yes
so why wont it work,actualy the hardest part is linking the 2
on all BS2's& up the pbasic is tokenized code not compiled binary's like a pc
you cant change the line's in the original code its in eprom but if you structure your code to self modify its execution based upon data input "like a simple push button prg example" meaning if the code is allready there it can be set to execute "if condition exist" and the host board simply sends variable data to change behavior of its guest and the "self modifing code"is on the guest board,or both can be both host and guest like "handshakeing" conversation ,Now in order for a controlor to execute it must be aware of the code that is on it <simply load first bit in program memory to a string variable pass it ,once a confirmation is recieved compare it to the end program token if it isnt then increment starting bit by 1bit and repeat ,on end echo branch back to runing state ,-the only problem is,the guest must have a program already on it to know what to do with the passed variables ,so the guest has less room for new program but still you can page memory on it and have the modify section be a seperate lable ,good luck
then that first stamp can in fact copy itself into another stamp.
Another angle, the Stache is a small field programmer for Stamps.
Tracy Allen