Serout help
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Below is display portion of a program to read tags and display the information on the debug screen
How can I also send the data·NAMES from the EEPROM memory out through a SEROUT command in order to see the same information on a LCD display.
· DEBUG DEC tagNum, ": "
· LOOKUP tagNum,······························· ' point to first character
··············································· ' Adjust table below to indicate number of tags
········ [noparse][[/noparse]Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7], idx
· DO
··· READ idx, char····························· ' read character from name
··· IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT···················· ' if 0, we're done
··· DEBUG char································· ' otherwise print it
··· idx = idx + 1······························ ' point to next character
··· LOOP
Below is display portion of a program to read tags and display the information on the debug screen
How can I also send the data·NAMES from the EEPROM memory out through a SEROUT command in order to see the same information on a LCD display.
· DEBUG DEC tagNum, ": "
· LOOKUP tagNum,······························· ' point to first character
··············································· ' Adjust table below to indicate number of tags
········ [noparse][[/noparse]Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7], idx
· DO
··· READ idx, char····························· ' read character from name
··· IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT···················· ' if 0, we're done
··· DEBUG char································· ' otherwise print it
··· idx = idx + 1······························ ' point to next character
··· LOOP
DEBUG char
SEROUT pin, baud, char
you would also need to do any housekeeping required by the LCD for position and linefeeds.
- Stephen