Controlling a cheap digital cam with my stamp?
I am trying to understand relays and how I can use them for a camera project. History.... I have written a program for my PIR sensor, a couple of LED's and a speaker. Now I am trying to trigger a digi cam when my PIR goes high. This is starting to sound like a deer cam but wait....I will also be triggering a compressed air "bang" tube that I came across in Make Mag. The picture will be taken just after the bang is sounded. So.... I have disassembled my camera and have become familiar with its guts. I arced across the shutter button and it took a picture. Finally the question. How can I use the stamp to not add any juice but rather just open a gate and act like a switch. I bet you are going to tell me RELAY?
·"If you build it, they will come."
But be careful wiring it up.
I want to have it ready for a 5 hour drive I will have to do the end of june [noparse]:)[/noparse] to a big confrence I am going to, that I will be wearing my animatronic costume at [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'd like to set it to take a picture every minute.. but eventually it will have a lcd and some switches to allow one to set the interval and start and stop.
I'm going to be using 3 relays, one for power off/on. one for the focus detent, then one more for the full shutter press..
just need to find a camera with·4 features.. (3 if dun mind running off battery)
1 seperate power button
2 2 stage shutter switch
3 SD card
4 power input