Why is their no Bitwise AND NOT in BS2
I'm trying to determin a bit changing in a byte of data recived from an IC2 chip.
I'm writing a debug rotine to test it.
the &/ only works with a BS1?
how would I do this in a BS2?
This seams to work, but don't seam optimal.
Post Edited (RickH) : 5/21/2008 9:34:50 AM GMT
I'm writing a debug rotine to test it.
DebugCode: RANDOM DebugVar1 DebugVar2 = %10101010 DebugVar3 = Debugvar1 | DebugVar2 DebugVar4 = DebugVar1 & DebugVar2 DEBUG "Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar1," Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar1," ",CR DEBUG "Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar2," Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar2," ",CR DEBUG "OR: ",BIN8 DebugVar3," AND : ",BIN8 DebugVar4," ",CR FOR idx = 7 TO 0 storage1 = debugvar1 << idx storage1 = storage1 >> 7 storage2 = debugvar2 << idx storage2 = storage2 >> 7 changed = storage1 ^ storage2 bitWentHigh = storage1 [color=red]&/[/color] storage2 DEBUG BIN storage1," ",BIN storage2," ",BIN ? changed," ",BIN ? bitwenthigh,CR NEXT PAUSE 16384 DEBUG CLS RETURN
the &/ only works with a BS1?
how would I do this in a BS2?
This seams to work, but don't seam optimal.
' {$STAMP BS2p} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} DebugVar1 VAR Byte DebugVar2 VAR Byte storage1 VAR Byte storage2 VAR Byte results VAR Byte Bit_Changed VAR Bit BitWentHigh VAR Bit idx VAR Nib Bitreg VAR Nib setup: DebugVar1 = %10101010 main: GOSUB DebugCode GOTO main DebugCode: Bitreg = 0 RANDOM DebugVar1 DebugVar2 = %10101010 DEBUG "Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar1," Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar1," Var1: ",BIN8 DebugVar1," ",CR DEBUG "Var2: ",BIN8 DebugVar2," Var2: ",BIN8 DebugVar2," Var2: ",BIN8 DebugVar2," ",CR DEBUG " OR: ",BIN8 (Debugvar1 | DebugVar2)," AND: ",BIN8 (DebugVar1 & DebugVar2)," XOR: ",BIN8 (DebugVar1 ^ DebugVar2)," ",CR FOR idx = 7 TO 0 storage1 = debugvar1 << idx storage1 = storage1 >> 7 storage2 = debugvar2 << idx storage2 = storage2 >> 7 bit_Changed = storage1 ^ storage2 IF bit_changed = 1 THEN IF storage1 > storage2 THEN BitwentHigh = 1 ELSE BitWenthigh = 0 ENDIF ELSE BitWentHigh = 0 ENDIF DEBUG BIN storage1," - ",BIN storage2," - Bit ",DEC Bitreg," Changed: ",BIN bit_changed," - Bit ",DEC Bitreg, " Went HIGH: ",BIN bitwenthigh,CR IF Bit_Changed = 0 AND BitWentHigh = 1 THEN DEBUG "ERROR" ENDIF Bitreg = Bitreg+1 NEXT PAUSE 32768 DEBUG HOME RETURN
Post Edited (RickH) : 5/21/2008 9:34:50 AM GMT
&/ Bitwise AND NOT
|/ Bitwise OR NOT
^/ Bitwise XOR NOT
I was just wondering why.
z = x &~ y ' bitwise AND NOT
z = x |~ y ' bitwise OR NOT
z = x ^~ y ' bitwise XOR NOT
For detecting a change from low to high in the bits of a variable I usually use the following function:
changedHigh = newvalue ^ oldvalue & newvalue
The only 1's in changedHigh will be bits that were 0 in oldvalue and have become 1 in newvalue. That can process 16 bits at once in parallel or a byte or nib or single bit. Say it is a byte, then
IF changedHigh.bit0(5) THEN GOSUB action
will take the action if bit 5 has changed.
Tracy Allen