Need Help Identifying / finding more mystery glowing plasticq ?
I bought a set of neon glow pedals for a car I had a few years back made by apc. They were just simple blue glowing electric pedals with the same black box as a neon for 12 v would have on it . To make a long story short car accident left one not working so i took it apart to see if I could fix it. I found out the only thing that made it glow was a few layers of "plastic" with a circuit board imprinted between the layers and only at at a very thin point would the proper connection could be made the "plastic would glow blue" (1-2 layers of clear packing tape thick). My mind is going crazy with things I could make if I knew what it was and where to get it. Any idea's or info would be killer. So far from google I think it is some kinda Electroluminescent Plastic
They have panels in various sizes and they can be cut to fit, as long as you leave one of the connection points on the final panel.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support