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rf controll of robot

smartgsmartg Posts: 26
edited 2008-05-21 00:41 in BASIC Stamp
·i want to control my robot with rf.i know parrallax sells a reciever and a
·transmitter.i want the reciever and a keypad type device which has 4 directional buttons and also a center buttun.i was wondering if someone could tell me where to get this keypad andalso what program to use . you can see what i am talking about if you go to you tube and type in boe mop.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-20 20:08
    This is the keyfob transmitter and matching receiver:

    You'll have to make your own program though. The evaluation board has a series of outputs (D0-D7) that correspond to button pushes on the keyfob. These can be wired to Stamp pins to provide control inputs and your program can test them and respond.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-20 20:26
    Note that this evaluation kit is about $120 from DigiKey. It includes enough "stuff" for two sets. You can buy the keyfob for about $20 and the pieces of the receiver and the decoder, but you'd have to make your own printed circuit board for the receiver and figure out LINX's datasheets and design notes.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2008-05-20 20:42
    Cheap alternatives on eBay, basically car alarm remote systems with 4 transmitter buttons and 4 receiver output pins. Decent range.

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • Steve in NMSteve in NM Posts: 54
    edited 2008-05-20 23:10
    I bought this set about a month ago for $17.25 shipped USPS First Class:

    The price has since dropped by $5. rolleyes.gif· But I'm having a blast! Go up one page and there are several more to choose from.

    I "stole" the code from a Parallax datasheet, and it worked without modification on two BS1-ICs (1-TX and 1-RX).

    The reason we're all here, is because we're not all there.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-21 00:17
    yeah thats it.thanks also tyhis wll transmitt to the reciever on parallax.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-21 00:22
    see my robot is just like the boe bot.what i want to do is controllit manuely and when i hit a buton on the keyfob it will go into antounomus mode.that is a ping sensor looking left and right.i am only twelve,and i really be grateful if you could get me that program.just to controll it and nothing to do with the atonoumos part yet.
  • smartgsmartg Posts: 26
    edited 2008-05-21 00:25
    mike geen what do you mean evaluation board . ithougt you could just attatch the reciever to the breadboard.[noparse][[/noparse]if this helps im using a bs2]programit and whala
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-21 00:36
    The receiver is made up of several parts that are usually assembled by the manufacturer of the final product. Many electronics manufacturers of complex chips provide "evaluation boards" that are mostly assembled, come with detailed instructions, and are designed for experimentation by the people who, hopefully, will get their companies to buy lots of the chips to build into finished products. These evaluation boards are often cheap enough for experimenters to also use even though they may not buy any more of the chips themselves. These days when most chips, particularly complex ones, only come in surface mount types, it's hard to build a "prototype" or other "one-only" device. It can be done, but it's harder than it used to be. Some manufacturers deliberately provide "evaluation boards" cheaply so students and other experimenters will become familiar with their devices. The Parallax Homework Board and the Propeller Protoboard are examples of this.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-21 00:41
    No matter what you use for a wireless control, you will have to write your own program and you will have to learn how to program. Parallax has lots and lots of excellent tutorials and manuals with examples that you can study, try out, and adapt for your own needs. Since the BoeBot has IR sensors on it, these can also be used for remote control. Get a copy of the IR Remote for the BoeBot tutorial. Go to Parallax's main webpage, pick the Resources tab, then select Downloads, then Stamps in Class Downloads and you'll see it. It shows you how to get the BoeBot to receive remote control signals from a standard IR remote control. Parallax sells one "universal remote" that works, but others work as well. That will get you started and you can always add the RF remote later if you want.
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