Question about geared motor torque ratings.
I've noticed that most hobby motors are rated in ounce-inch or gram-centimeters. Truthfully, those rating mean nothing to me. Can someone please put these into real world examples? Can a 100 oz.-in. motor lift 100 oz. of weight 1 inch? They are truly meaningless without context.
We're talking about "Torque" here. "Torque" is a force, applied at a particular offset, to a rotational shaft. If the shaft has little resistance to turning, it will rotate and accellerate. That's the context we're talking about.
I once taught Mindstorms robots to 6th graders, and "Torque" was one of the first topics we had to address. Most people deal with torque in the area of cars, engines, gear ratios -- but robotics lets you deal with it before you're of driving age.
That is important to know. Thanks.