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BS2pe with 7 segment LED display — Parallax Forums

BS2pe with 7 segment LED display

TomstampTomstamp Posts: 2
edited 2008-05-22 01:31 in BASIC Stamp
I am getting a program error that "Owio is an undefined symbol". I am using the example programs in the AVR Firmware: 7SEG, Ver. 1; 7-segment LED Display Driver documentation. Using BS Editor V2.5 and the AVR loaded to the co-processor on the MoBo Stamp-pe BS2pe Motherboard (#28300).

OWOUT Owio, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]"AB.CD"]

Any ideas would be appreciated. I am new to all this. Thanks, Tom


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-05-19 20:44
    You should have a PIN statement at the head of your program that defines Owio. Assuming your 7-segment board is plugged into socket B of the motherboard, it will look like this:

    Owio    PIN 6

    If you're using socket A instead, change the 6 to a 10.

  • TomstampTomstamp Posts: 2
    edited 2008-05-22 01:31
    Thank you, Phil for your quick answer. You solved my problem. I know it was simple but you helped me get going.

    Many thanks, Tom

    Tom Evernham
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