SCi-BOX project
Hey guys,
I need some help with a SCi-BOX project. Basically for the last two days I have been trying to learn PBASIC and right now my I have a total mess.
I have SCi-BOX, two ZX-Switches, a thermistor and the LCD display.
What I want to do is something similar to air conditioning. I will later use a motor with a fan to rise the temperature or decrease it.
First of all I have no ideea how to use the LCD to output variables.
I have to declare a minim temperature (ex. 10 degrees Celsius) by pressing a switch that will modify the given (0 degrees celsius) default starting temperature on the LCD, by one degree, and then pressing the other switch (as an ENTER) so I can move to declaring the maximum temperature starting from the minim temperature value. (ex. 20 degrees celsius).
After this the thermistos should check the room temperature at any given interval and if the temperature is higher than the maximum temp declared by my , it should display COOLING on the LCD and start the fan. The same thing with HEATING, by rotating the motor in the oposite way.
I`m afraid that if I`ll compile another code and it gets out wrong my computer will explode. [noparse]:([/noparse]
So please if you have some hints, or anything that can help me I would apreciate it SO MUCH.
Thank you and have a good day! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I need some help with a SCi-BOX project. Basically for the last two days I have been trying to learn PBASIC and right now my I have a total mess.
I have SCi-BOX, two ZX-Switches, a thermistor and the LCD display.
What I want to do is something similar to air conditioning. I will later use a motor with a fan to rise the temperature or decrease it.
First of all I have no ideea how to use the LCD to output variables.
I have to declare a minim temperature (ex. 10 degrees Celsius) by pressing a switch that will modify the given (0 degrees celsius) default starting temperature on the LCD, by one degree, and then pressing the other switch (as an ENTER) so I can move to declaring the maximum temperature starting from the minim temperature value. (ex. 20 degrees celsius).
After this the thermistos should check the room temperature at any given interval and if the temperature is higher than the maximum temp declared by my , it should display COOLING on the LCD and start the fan. The same thing with HEATING, by rotating the motor in the oposite way.
I`m afraid that if I`ll compile another code and it gets out wrong my computer will explode. [noparse]:([/noparse]
So please if you have some hints, or anything that can help me I would apreciate it SO MUCH.
Thank you and have a good day! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
- Stephen
The Pi Guy
Stepper motor driver
SCi-BOX can drive uni-polar stepper motor 12V 500mA maximum 2 channels by using
P14 and P15 of i-Stamp. The heart of this circuit is Stepper motor Co-processor. It receives
serial data from P14 of i-Stamp. Thus, call this pin as SERIN. After that this processor will
pprocess data and send signal to drive the stepper motor.
During the STepper motor Co-processor working in process, it sends signal back to i-
Stamp at P15 for informing in-process not cannot get any data from i-Stamp. Call this pin as
Baudrate of this interface is 9,600 bit per second. Data is 8 bits and none parity.
Everytime i-Stamp send data to porcessor, it will send BUSY siganl in logic “0” back to i-
Stamp. i-Stamp will polling until BUSY line set to high. It can send the new data following.
Stepper motor basic
Stepper motors differ from standard DC motors in that they do not spin freely when
power is applied. For a stepper motor to rotate, the power source must be continuously
pulsed in specific patterns. The step sequence (pattern) determines the direction of the
stepper’s rotation. The time between sequence steps determines the rotational speed.
Each step causes the stepper motor to rotate a fixed angular increment. The stepper
motor supplied with SCi-BOX kit rotates 7.5 degrees per step. This means that one full
rotation (360 degrees) of the stepper requires 48 steps.
And the images attached.
But I don`t know how to program it correctly. And the time .... way to less time on my hands [noparse]:([/noparse]
When you have each piece working put each in its own subroutine, that will give the program a modular look that is easier to modify or troubleshoot.
It may sound daunting but the Parallax sight has many examples of everything I have mentioned, code and hardware etc.
If you give each piece a shot and have difficulty post further questions here. Dealing with a small piece with a specific problem will be easier to answer and you will progress/learn much quicker. Start by using the PBasic IDE help files and learn how to create and use a subroutine.
hope this helps
Jeff T.
I have no idea how to create a menu or anything like that.
If there is anyone that knows some tutorials for DUMMIES please post some links here.
Thank you.
About this :
uses BASIC Stamp2SX
All I need is someone to explain how this whole thing works in declaring variables and stuff.
My sensor reads a temperature and displays it on the LCD, but that`s just a 3 digit number . How do I find out what that number means and how can I convert it to Celsius ?
Because I want to declare a variable (I think its a variable) like temperature. And I want it to show 0 and then to modify its value on the display by pressing a button. And after that I want the last value I set for the temperature to be stored when I press another number. So I can go to setting up the next temperature value.
What does the LCD cursor have to do with this ?
I mean, do I have to declare something fix like TEMPERATURE and then something I can modify like a number ?
Or can I modify the whole line that is shown on the LCD ? Like MINIMUM TEMPERATURE = 0 degrees,MINIMUM TEMPERATURE = 1 degrees etc.
Right now I am so lost ... [noparse]:([/noparse]
- Stephen
I have a 2x16 LCD display and I need to
a)Define a minimum Temperature. Tmin
b)Press another switch so I can jump to another Temperature. Tmax
c)Define Tmax
d) Display on the first row : Tmin = , and on the second row Tmax
No. 2
Please HELP ?!
But I have another problem. My temperature sensor reads something and when it displays it , I just see a 3 digit number like 250 or something that grows with the temperature or decreases. My problem is that I don`t know how can I convert that to Celsius without knowing what it means. I have no way right now of making sure that my sensor records 2 different and exact temperatures to make up a rule of transformation. So if there is anyone that can help me with this, please don`t be shy ... Lol. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Anyway here`s the right code :
- Stephen