For...Next Loop w/ 74HC165 Chip
I am trying to use a 74HC165 chip to gain more inputs to my stamp.· In the end I want to be able to use up to four 165 chips but I am having problems makeing even one work.· I tried following something out of the nuts and volts area, I think it was article nv43.· It kinda stinks that the author made it for a BS1 which I do not use because it is so limited and I am having problems making it work with the BS2.
I have it cabled up exactly like in the article but my program gets lost in the For...Next loop part of the code and never debugs anything.· The end goal is to make the stamp look at about 28 inputs and then go to a sub if any input is pulled low.· I will then output a different serial command using the 'serout' which I have gotten to work.
Can someone look at my code and give me some advice on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance for all the help!
I have it cabled up exactly like in the article but my program gets lost in the For...Next loop part of the code and never debugs anything.· The end goal is to make the stamp look at about 28 inputs and then go to a sub if any input is pulled low.· I will then output a different serial command using the 'serout' which I have gotten to work.
Can someone look at my code and give me some advice on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance for all the help!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Do you know where I could get a little bit of information on this problem though. Thanks for the link to the book it looks like it will be really full of good information so I am probably going to order one on Monday. I would like to try a few of the other projects that are in there...
I was hoping to get this project going this weekend though because it will be a big step in my programming and hardware part of the project...
- Stephen
As a side note, Probably the best way too learn about hardware and software is to suround yourself with peolpe who share the same interests, unfortunatly this isn't easy too do. I got started in Electronics when I was 14 and bought my first guitar. I riped it apart to see how it worked and totaly screwed it up. I then took it too a repair shop and the guy was impressed that I was interested in it. He had me watch him rebuild the guitare and he made some mods that were totaly awsome. I would stop in his shop like 2-3 times a week to learn something new. If not for his guidence and insite into a verry complex technology I wouln't be an engineer today. The RTFM mentality is nothing but people who didn't have others to help them when they wher doing its way of saying "I fuigerd it out on my own, Why can't you". Not a verry suportive thing to say.
This code should work for ya, let me know if it don't as I don't have that chip handy.
Post Edited (RickH) : 5/17/2008 7:29:21 PM GMT
Thats the link to all the documentation. It contains everything. just burn the iso to a disc and you have it all.
Rick I total agree with you and thanks for mentioning it. If it were not for my Uncle handing me a radio shack electronic circuits book (back when Radio shack carried electronics) I wouldn't have the knowledge I do, and this forum and the people here are a great help to begginer and expert alike.