Hi, I have a problem trying to use my PINK module. When I connect it to my Basic Stamp and run the test programm, nothing happens (debug me "Communication Timeout"). I have checked everything, the power, the cables, the correct pin TX and RX, the baud of transmision, but still no work. There is something that I have forgotten??? 
...I don't think that my PINK module is broken.
PD:The "Netburner IPsetup" programm doesn't recognize him.

...I don't think that my PINK module is broken.
PD:The "Netburner IPsetup" programm doesn't recognize him.
On the assumption that the RX/TX lines are connected properly it sounds like there may be a lack of power if even the IP Setup doesn’t recognize it. Where is the PINK getting it’s power from?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
How do I know that the problem is from low power of the battery?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
When I set the password for the web access and I try to enter from another computer, there he asks for the username and password.
My question would be, there are any form to set a password for the ftp page? or what is wrong with the setting from the web?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I hope that I have been more clearer this time.
I just had a co-worker try what you are…I opened my local PINK Module and went to its configuration page…I was prompted for a username and password which I supplied. I then had the co-worker go to the same page and he was prompted for a password. We then went to the FTP site. I was not prompted for a password since I had already been authorized on this session.
When he went to the FTP site he was prompted for a username/password. Some clarification here…we were initially shown the files from IE7 in a simple window and he could see these as well since they’re not blocked from viewing or access, only from upload access. We had to select the Page menu in IE7 and select to open the FTP site in a new explorer window before he got prompted. This is normal and is covered in the documentation. Is this consistent with what you are seeing?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You said that when your co-worker went to the ftp site, he was prompted for a username/password, but before that he could see the site (only view, not upload o download files), in my case I see the site and I can upload, download o erase file without prompt any password (in another computer and open for the first time the IE).
PD: I'm working inside my local net, so I can't ask for a friend for access from outside because he won't see anything.
Post Edited (Roar) : 5/29/2008 9:47:35 PM GMT
Since I cannot duplicate the issue, and since nobody else have ever reported this, I have no clear direction to go to try and solve your issue. It seems to be something specific to your setup.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support