Complete beginner need help in basic programming
Ok so I've been playing around with basic stamp programming in my free time and I'm basically trying to make my robot car run through a maze. To accomplish this I bought some ultrasonic range finders from parallax and placed them in the front and the left and right sides. Unfortunately, I have no experience with programming and I'm trying to make due with the few sample codes given, and its not working out. So if anyone could please help me I would appreciate it a ton.
First you have to learn how to program while you're having enough fun to be encouraged. Parallax has lots of sample code and educational stuff that you can download from their website. Start by looking through their Stamps in Class Tutorials, beginning with What's a Microcontroller? and Robotics with the BoeBot. You can find these by going to the Resources tab on their main web page, then choosing Downloads, then Stamps in Class Downloads. There are also lots of useful articles in the Nuts and Volts Columns series also downloadable by going to the Resources tab..
Subtasks for you include: 1) Learning to program in an organized fashion. 2) Understanding how the PING sensors work and the various sample programs that use them. There are programs for scanning the environment (which you can do by having your robot turn slightly between PING cycles) and navigation programs for infrared sensors from the IR Remote for the BoeBot tutorial that's been modified for use with the PING as well.
3) Understanding the process of controlling robot movement and navigation using whatever sensors are available and experimenting with it. Again, start with existing sample programs.
The Pi Guy