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need help w/servo and srf04 ultra sonic sensors (im new to the program) — Parallax Forums

need help w/servo and srf04 ultra sonic sensors (im new to the program)

logorislogoris Posts: 2
edited 2008-05-16 17:20 in BASIC Stamp
i am making a robot out of an rc car for a class project and i have the ultra sonic sensors progammed i just dont know how to get it to work with the servo
heres the code i have
(im new to the program)
' ==============================================================================
' File...... SONIC SIGHT.BS2
' Purpose... Devantech SRF04 Ultrasonic Range Finder
' Author.... Parallax
' E-mail....
' Started...
' Updated... 06 MAR 2002
' {$STAMP BS2}
' ==============================================================================
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Program Description
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This program uses the Devantech SRF04 to measure the distance between the
' unit and a target. Display is raw value, inches and centimeters.
' Conversion formulas:
' inches = echo_time / 73.746 (use 7.3746 for tenths)
' centimeters = echo_time / 29.033 (use 2.9033 for tenths)
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Revision History
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' I/O Definitions
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trigger CON 0
Echo CON 1
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MoveTo CON 2 ' cursor position control
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Variables
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pWidth VAR Word ' pulse width from sensor
rawDist VAR Word ' filtered measurment
distance VAR Word ' converted value
blips VAR Nib ' loop counter for measurement
temp VAR Word ' value for RJ_print
digits VAR Nib ' used by RJ_Print
steer VAR Word
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialization
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG "Devantech SRF04 Demo", CR
DEBUG "--------------------", CR, CR
DEBUG "Raw........... ", CR
DEBUG "Inches........ ", 34, CR
DEBUG "Centimeters... cm", CR
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Program Code
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GOSUB Get_Sonar ' take sonar reading
DEBUG MoveTo, 15, 3
temp = rawDist
GOSUB RJ_Print ' display raw value
DEBUG MoveTo, 15, 4
distance = rawDist ** 8886 ' divide by 7.3746
temp = distance / 10
GOSUB RJ_Print ' display inches
DEBUG ".", DEC1 distance
DEBUG MoveTo, 15, 5
distance = rawDist ** 22572 ' divide by 2.9033
temp = distance / 10
GOSUB RJ_Print ' display centimeters
DEBUG ".", DEC1 distance
PAUSE 200 ' delay between readings
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutines
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rawDist = 0
FOR blips = 1 TO 5
PULSOUT Trigger, 5 ' 10 uS trigger pulse
PULSIN Echo, 1, pWidth ' measure distance to target
rawDist = rawDist + (pWidth / 5) ' simple digital filter
PAUSE 0 ' minimum period between pulses

RJ_Print: ' right justify
digits = 5
LOOKDOWN temp, <[noparse][[/noparse]0,10,100,1000,65535], digits
DEBUG REP " "\(5 - digits), DEC temp

and if possible i would love the help if someone figured out how to make it steer 650 if somthings on the right and 750 if somthings on the left
(im using 1 sensor)

all help appreciated

Post Edited (logoris) : 5/15/2008 8:00:02 PM GMT


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