New User Questions
Posts: 15
Just getting started with Propeller on the Demo board and have a couple
of questions:
1. The very first demo program, Output.spin, works fine, for
pins 16 or 17. Changing the pin number to 18, for instance,
causes to LEDs to blink. Explanation ?
2. Does anyone have timing information for the math functions,
i.e. number of cycles, just roughly.
of questions:
1. The very first demo program, Output.spin, works fine, for
pins 16 or 17. Changing the pin number to 18, for instance,
causes to LEDs to blink. Explanation ?
2. Does anyone have timing information for the math functions,
i.e. number of cycles, just roughly.
it is with new users (enthusiastic but clueless).
Something to be careful of is that this will take different amounts of time depending on where the variables are.
I saw the assembler cycles; should have mentioned
I was curious about the Spin cycles.
I have tested in the way you suggest in other languages, however,
I'm just getting started with Spin and I'm not an adept programmer
in any language.
LOL, but I do not think so.
I am 1011, so be surprised!
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Oh no! I'm not going there.. Then I've have one more task to do before I can play with the Propeller. [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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