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BS2e: EEPROM full but just as much code as it fits in an BS2 — Parallax Forums

BS2e: EEPROM full but just as much code as it fits in an BS2

IguanIguan Posts: 8
edited 2008-05-15 18:15 in BASIC Stamp
Hi all!

I'm new in this forum and hope you can help me..

I just bought the BS2 and began to write a program till i recognized that EEPROM has too less memory...
so I bought the BS2e and tried to upload the same program again (which has just one line too much for the eeprom of BS2)
but the same message box appears again: "EEPROM full"...

The BS2e should have 8 times more memory than the whats wrong here??

Best wishes


Post Edited (Iguan) : 5/14/2008 1:53:13 PM GMT


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-14 15:47
    The Stamps with additional EEPROM are still limited to a 2K program. It's just that you can have multiple programs or you can use the additional space for data logging or tables. Read the Stamp Basic manual chapters on the READ / WRITE / STORE statements and the RUN statement. There are also some articles in the Nuts & Volts Columns on multi-slot programming. Essentially, the other "slots" can act as overlays. Some or all of the variables can be shared. There's no explicit way to return to the point of call, but you can construct your main program so it can continue after a RUN.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2008-05-15 18:15
    This is a very popular question. N&V multislot programming & timing info at .

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