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Seismic STAMP Project Help

Tom PTom P Posts: 97
edited 2008-05-14 16:54 in BASIC Stamp
Need some help with my Seismic STAMP project.

I have a Memsic 2125 accelerometer connected to a STAMP2 and sending data via RF transmitter.
I have a RF receiver picking up the signal and feeding it to a STAMP BS2e and want to view data on debug screen. When I try to view data on RX debug screen I get a count of 00003 instead of·a raw count of about 3156, which I receive on the TX debug screen.
Whats going on?
Do I neet to use the scratch pad ram in the RX STAMP2e to receive the data correctly, if so how do I implement it?

'{$STAMP BS2}··· TX code
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
'seismograph TX
'set up variables
zraw··· VAR Word
zin···· CON 13····· 'z axis line
xyin··· CON 12····· 'xy axis line
txPin·· CON 8······ 'tx data line on data link transmitter
HiPulse CON 1
x··· VAR··· Word·· 'Variable for collection count
sPin··· CON··· 16·· 'Serial Pin - P16, Programming port
Baud··· CON··· 396· 'Baud mode for a rate of 2400, 8-N-1
FOR x=0 TO 499······················ '500 data points
· PULSIN zin,HiPulse, zraw
· SEROUT txPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse] DEC zraw,CR]
·NEXT 'next x
'{$STAMP BS2e}·· ·RX code
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
'Seismograph RX

zraw VAR Word
· SERIN 8, 16780, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC zraw· ]
· DEBUG DEC5 zraw,13


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-05-14 16:54
    You would be better off using a trigger character in the tx side and a wait on the rx side to make sure the tx and rx are in sync. Otherwise the receiver could get part of a transmission or none at all.

    - Stephen
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