DIRH and DIRL help please
I'm trying to send some word to and 2x16 LCD display (BONA MC1602-13 Rev.3) with my Basic Stamp 2.
Wiring is described as:
P8 <-> E \
P9 <-> RW \
P10 <-> RS \
P11 <-> DB4 --- ( 2x16 ) LCD DISPLAY
P12 <-> DB5 /
P13 <-> DB6 /
P14 <-> DB7 /
I'm using a code that i found in a stampworks (Attached). But i can't understand how should i define the DIRL or DIRH.
Sorry for my bad english and if u need any more info to try to help me just say it and i'll add it.
Thanks for all your time and help.
I'm trying to send some word to and 2x16 LCD display (BONA MC1602-13 Rev.3) with my Basic Stamp 2.
Wiring is described as:
P8 <-> E \
P9 <-> RW \
P10 <-> RS \
P11 <-> DB4 --- ( 2x16 ) LCD DISPLAY
P12 <-> DB5 /
P13 <-> DB6 /
P14 <-> DB7 /
I'm using a code that i found in a stampworks (Attached). But i can't understand how should i define the DIRL or DIRH.
Sorry for my bad english and if u need any more info to try to help me just say it and i'll add it.
Thanks for all your time and help.
DIRH is for P8-P15.· You're using P8-P14, DIRH = %01111111 makes those pins outputs.
Post Edit -- OK, I described it incorrectly, but I got the numbers right in my example.· Must wait till my second cup.
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 5/15/2008 11:46:41 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I didn't describe it right, but I managed to get the numbers right in the example.
I edited that, and thanks.
[noparse][[/noparse]·It's a fair cop, but SX/B's to blame.· I'm hooked on·my cue·(TRISx =·· ), figuring that·a "1" looks like an I and a "0" looks like an O.· Switching between the two can be, and frequently is,·a real haddock.·]
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support