replacing a 9 v battery with an adapter?
i'm trying to do something simple.
I bought a 9V adapter from Radioshack to replace the 9v running though my relay on my Basic stamp.
It's a 9V 1500mA International - cat. no. 273-1711
I cut the chord and spliced it into a the thing that attaches to the battery (red and black wires)
i'm running the power into a piece of Flexinol wire which contracts and expands on a script from the BS.
BUT...when i run the script and the 9v adapter is plugged in all that happens is a slight spasm in the wire. it does not fullly expand and contract the way it should and the way it does when i have a battery attached.
what's wrong? too many (too few) mA? Should i get a 300 mA adapter?
how should i attach it to properly replace the battery? which wire goes with the red and which with the black? I've heard the half of the adapter cord·with the writing on it goes with the red...
i'm trying to do something simple.
I bought a 9V adapter from Radioshack to replace the 9v running though my relay on my Basic stamp.
It's a 9V 1500mA International - cat. no. 273-1711
I cut the chord and spliced it into a the thing that attaches to the battery (red and black wires)
i'm running the power into a piece of Flexinol wire which contracts and expands on a script from the BS.
BUT...when i run the script and the 9v adapter is plugged in all that happens is a slight spasm in the wire. it does not fullly expand and contract the way it should and the way it does when i have a battery attached.
what's wrong? too many (too few) mA? Should i get a 300 mA adapter?
how should i attach it to properly replace the battery? which wire goes with the red and which with the black? I've heard the half of the adapter cord·with the writing on it goes with the red...
Post a schematic if you can't git 'er done...
·"If you build it, they will come."
I made an adapter that plugs onto the 9V connector on the Board of Education. Like Mike mentioned, make sure the polarity is correct. I messed up the polarity the first time I did this. Because I found out that I had to hook the Positive line from my power supply, to the BLACK wire of the connector, and the Negative line to the RED wire. Because when you plug it into the connector on the board, the polarity gets reversed.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!