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Wireless Controlled Boe-Bot — Parallax Forums

Wireless Controlled Boe-Bot

PauwkiePauwkie Posts: 1
edited 2008-05-10 14:14 in BASIC Stamp
I'm having some troubles with the wireless control of my Boe-Bot
The idea is to control the robot with my keyboard.
I'm using the Reciever & Transmitter from parallax & I alrdy made a connection between the transmitter & my COM port with a MAX 232.
But i'm having some difficulties with the programming of my Boe-Bot.
It's mainly the character imput part that I don't get.
Does somebody maybe have an example program?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-05-10 14:14
    The problem probably has nothing to do with the programming. The transmitter / receiver doesn't work well with intermittent transmission like from a keyboard. For reliability, it really needs a sync pulse at the beginning of each burst of transmission. Look at the documentation and sample code for the transmitter / receiver. Without the sync pulse, the first bit or two of each burst might be missed and the first character might be missed. If you are only sending individual characters, many of them might be missed entirely.

    You may need some special programming on the PC end of things. You can cause the transmitter to put out a sync pulse by putting out what's known as a "break" pulse, then the first character of the message. The Stamp can wait for the sync pulse as shown in the examples, then receive one or more characters.
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